Dear Abraham, it is wonderful to have you in the movement; thank you as
ever for all of your inspiration and support, and the work you have done +
enabled in others.

> Wikimedia is one of the strongest and last-standing proponents of the
free and open internet,

Just so. Let us make sure it continues to be a support and model for future
proponents as well.

And to Christian, wishing you congratulations and success.    --SJ

On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 1:03 PM Abraham Taherivand <> wrote:

> Dear Wikimedians,
> As you know, today is my last day as the Executive Director of Wikimedia
> Deutschland.
> What an incredible journey it has been. When I started in 2012, I couldn’t
> have even dreamed of all the things I would experience, what I would do,
> whom I would meet, where I would go, and what I would learn. And then it
> all turned out to be even more intense, more magical, and more fulfilling
> than I had thought or could have imagined in my boldest dreams.
> In 2012, when Pavel Richter brought me into the organisation to build up
> the Wikidata team and to bootstrap the project together with Denny
> Vrandečić, I already had a slight notion that something huge that was about
> to emerge; “Wikidata, the next big thing” still echoes in my ears today.
> The vision of this free and open knowledge base excited and inspired me
> from day one. It was an honour for me to establish the initial Wikidata
> team and later to build the software development department at Wikimedia
> Deutschland. I could really follow my passion to bring people together,
> empowering them, promoting their strengths and challenging them to be
> innovative, to try new things off the beaten track.
> Then in 2016, a whole new phase began when I was appointed as Executive
> Director. Over these four and a half years, Wikimedia Deutschland has grown
> considerably: our staff has doubled to 150 and we now have over 85,000
> members. Together with a large and successful community, we work as a
> strong and respected partner together with educational and cultural
> institutions, politics, media and digital civil society to liberate
> knowledge. Alongside these audience groups in Germany, the Wikimedia
> Movement - you! - has always been one of the most exciting and relevant
> stakeholders. I am therefore particularly pleased that we and our members
> unanimously decided in 2017 to support the 2030 Strategic Direction and its
> implementation, that we were able to play a strong role in the development
> of the recommendations, and that we are now continuing to pursue the
> implementation with all our might.
> I have had the great privilege of getting to know and learning from many
> of you personally. The vast array of experience that Wikimedians bring to
> the Movement, the rich ideas, and the people at the heart of it all are
> truly extraordinary. In each Wikimedian I’ve met, I’ve felt the passion for
> the overarching theme of our common vision. The spark in your eyes when you
> start speaking about your favourite topics, be it the encyclopedia,
> technology, governance, photos, food, commas, fondue, karaoke – it’s
> impressive and a memory that I am glad will remain with me forever. What
> each of you bring to this Movement is inspiring and truly special - and
> that’s what makes this movement more than the sum of its parts.
> It never gets boring in the wikiverse. There is always something new
> coming along, be it in movement strategy, in our programs, or in how we
> work together and grow our reach. At times, it can take awhile to get
> things done. But that is often because we want to make sure everyone has a
> say and has the opportunity to shape how we do things. It is a testament to
> the respect Wikimedians have for each other and each other’s perspectives.
> Wikimedians are very thoughtful: we take care of each other and treat each
> other's needs and opinions as one of the highest goods.
> Wikimedia is one of the strongest and last-standing proponents of the free
> and open internet, one that continues to work toward making digital society
> better for the sake of humanity.
> Don’t give up this fight, don’t lose hope, be bold, unite – the world
> needs you!
> Yours sincerely,
> Abraham
> --
> Geschäftsführender Vorstand / Executive Director
> Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
> Tel. (030) 219 158 26-0
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