== Welcome our new interns! ==

Dan Higgins and Brett Gibbs will be working with our Learning and
Evaluation team remotely to assist with program evaluation reporting
projects. You can welcome them via their listed emails, as this is an
announcement only list.

Dan Higgins

Dan joins us remote from the UK after returning from Uganda where he has
been engaged in evaluation work while completing his recent Masters in
Impact Evaluation in International Development. His experience includes
analyzing qualitative and quantitative impact data, for programs in an
education NGO and, separately, in a women’s microfinance organization. Both
entities based in Uganda, where he lived during his study. Looking forward
to expand on his experience, he will be helping our team to clean,
validate, analyze and report on our second round of voluntary programs
reporting [1].


Brett Gibbs

Brett, also known as User:Pine, joins us from Washington state (USA) and
has a range of interests that include economics, data visualization, and
the intersection of technology and society. He writes for the Signpost
(recent work includes the Wikipedia in Education series and the story of
Wikimedia Bangladesh) and he was a founding member of the Individual
Engagement Grants Committee. Brett will be working with our team on the
curation and organization of our learning pattern library [2]. Importantly,
he will work with our team to identify relevant learning patterns from
grants and voluntary reporting; and he will work with program leaders to
develop those for the library. bgi...@wikimedia.org

*María Cruz * \\  Community Coordinator, PE&D Team \\ Wikimedia Foundation,
mc...@wikimedia.org  |  :  @marianarra_ <https://twitter.com/marianarra_>

[1] Programs Reporting Round II:


[2] Learning Pattern Library

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