OK, to accommodate a few folks who couldn't make it on the 30th, let's
have the meetup on:

* Saturday, February 6
* Wikimedia Foundation offices, 149 New Montgomery St., SF [assuming
someone from the office can attend]
* 3pm-ish; feel free to suggest alternate times

This also gives us an extra week to all come up with:
* Awesome ideas for Maker Faire
* Ideas for meetups and projects  (fieldtrips, SF loves art, ??? --
think about what you'd be willing to help coordinate)
* More agenda items

PLEASE sign up on the wiki if you intend to come, so that a) we can
plan for snacks; b) someone can let you in the door.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/San Francisco 11

-- Phoebe

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Jon Davis <w...@konsoletek.com> wrote:
> Ok troops, since no one has complained, it has been decided.  Meetup!

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