Hi all,
Below are notes from the last West Coast Wikiconference Planning meeting.
Our next meeting is *tomorrow, Saturday 3rd, 11am, IRC*:
freenode#wikimedia-sf. Join us!

*Venue: *
We are running short on time and so decided to go for the HUB,
http://bayarea.the-hub.net/public/space__Hub%20SoMa.html which is an easier
and cheaper space to manage, and is close to the office. Eugene has now
reserved this space for us, and will confirm this with the HUB.
We also decided to go for a one day conference: any objections to this plan?
If a lot of people sign up we could go for two days instead.

If we want a party on the evening of the 15th, we need a separate space to
hold this in. The WMF is going to help with this as well. The HUB is
available on the evening of the 16th if we'd rather have a party then

*Swag *
Steven Walling confirms that the WMF will be supplying boxes of 10th
anniversary swag, including t-shirts. (We should consider whether to put our
own t-shirts together as well).

We need money for the venue, for food and a facilitator. Estimated cost is
$3K, without a party. We agreed to charge for tickets and to ask for
sponsors at a tiered rate: $1K, $500, $300. We are not going to bother with
a fiscal sponsor given the short notice; Phoebe offered to front the deposit

We agreed to use Eventbrite to sell tickets. A ticket site is now set up:
We can change the cost if needed. If we all agree $25 seems reasonable (will
cover food and most of the venue costs) let's leave it as is, and people can
go ahead and register. Please speak up if you think $25 is too high/too
low/not the right amount.

We talked about having a keynote speaker to kick things off. Suggestions
* stewart brand
* ward cunningham
* john perry barlow
* joi ito (if he's in town)
* erin mckean

Please add to this list.

*To do: *
* Eugene to reserve HUB -- DONE; also confirm that we don't still have the
women's center reserved
* Phoebe to look into finances -- partially done (set up tickets site)
* Steven to talk to WMF people about a party
* Eugene to ask Stewart Brand if he's available

Next meeting: tomorrow, Saturday. Please join us!

-- Phoebe
Wikimedia-SF mailing list

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