Hi San Francisco Wikipedians! 

For those of you I haven't already met:  my name is Parul.  We are looking for Wikipedia editors of English and other language Wikipedias to participate in a research study to observe and understand Wikipedia editors' current reading and editing practices on mobile devices (but we're interested other devices and computers used in your editing and browsing too!).  We have partnered with Answerlab to carry out this study with us in San Francisco, Chicago, and Dallas. 

Should you be interested, your participation would involve 3 activities:  1) Complete short online homework assignments, writing about yourself and/or your daily habits 2) Participate in a short phone interview in mid-September and 3) Participate in a 2 hour face-to-face interview to be conducted on or close to September 22nd, 23rd, 26th. (times to be confirmed).  The Wikimedia Foundation generally discourages any research agency from offering monetary incentives for participation, but all participants of this study will be offered a monetary gift as our thanks.  More importantly, we can assure you an interesting conversation, excitement for Wikipedia and its mission, and our gratitude and appreciation. 

Your participation would be extremely valuable to us and will help shape the strategy and development of the Wikipedia mobile properties and experience.  It is also key to helping us better understand the more specific needs of editors like you so that we can support those processes.  In addition to Wikipedia editors, we'll also be speaking with Wikipedia users in San Francisco, as well as Chicago and Dallas.  We have recently conducted similar work in India  and Brazil.  Please see here (English only) [1][2] for more on this work. 

If you'd like to participate, please let us know by replying to myself and/or Brennan, Nick, Sal, and the other folks at Answerlab at editw...@answerlab.com by September 6th.  Also, if you know of editors in Chicago or Dallas that would like to participate or know of appropriate mailing lists to reach editors in those regions, please email me at pv...@wikimedia.org and my colleague Mani at mpa...@wikimedia.org

Thanks so much,
Parul Vora

[1]  http://strategy.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mobile/Research
[2]  http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Projects

Parul Vora
Researcher + Designer
Wikimedia Foundation

415.839.6885 x6626
Wikimedia-SF mailing list

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