Awesome, thanks, Neal!


On 21/08/18 21:16, Neal McBurnett wrote:
Thanks, Isarra!!

I added a bit of detail and clarified the reporting period.
As the recent official notice clarified, Wikimedia User Groups are required to submit an annual 
activity report covering the entirety of the 12-month agreement period in order to prompt review 
for a renewal. So this covers our "agreement period", from 2017-03-04 (the anniversary of 
our "agreement date", when we were recognized on 2016-03-04) to 2018-03-04.

I removed "anything else" but please go ahead and add more.
I added this to the Reports page at

After a day or two we should finalize this and post it to meta.


On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 08:30:43PM +0000, Isarra Yos wrote:
Okay, we have just received an official warning for a lack of an annual
report, so I made a page and just copied the 2017 stuff off the main group

Folks, if anything is missing, please, please add it, as I have no idea what
(else) any of us may or may not have done because I've personally spent the
bulk of the past year ill and have not really been able to keep up with
anything at all as a result.

If that's it, please also let me know, and I'll remove the 'anything else?'
line and try to figure out how to, er, submit it. (Is it just adding a link
to the reports page? Maybe that is it...)


On 14/08/18 16:38, Isarra Yos wrote:
On 14/08/18 16:34, Isarra Yos wrote:
Hey all, does anyone know if we've submitted/started an annual
report for 2017? Mostly I'm just asking if anyone has actually done
this and I just didn't notice - I was planning to do this myself
several months ago, but my health kind of took a downturn and I sort
of lost track of things. If not, I'll see what all we need to do to
get on that, but let me know.


Last years was here:

So based on that I added a red link to where we'd expect 2017 on the
main group page. Please correct if that's wrong!

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