Please get your Wikimania program submissions in soon!  Wikimania 2012 is
July 12-15 in Washington, DC. It's a great opportunity to present on a cool
project you're doing or simply come meet your fellow Wikimedian and
*superstars* like Jimmy Wales! :)

The deadline for submissions is Sunday, March 18 at 11:59 (San Francisco)
Pacific Daylight Time (or 06:59 UTC on 19 March 2012).

We seek submissions for presentations, workshops, panels, and other types
of sessions.

Topics may include anything related to Wikipedia, MediaWiki & tech (e.g.
mobile), Wikisource, Wikimedia Commons and other sister projects,
OpenStreetMap, third-party wikis (e.g. WikiHow), wikis in business,
government, etc., civic & local wikis, GLAM-wiki and other cultural
outreach initiatives, education outreach, research into wikis and
collaboration, and more. These topics are just suggestions.

You can view the call for participation and make submissions here:


President, Wikimedia District of Columbia
@wikimediadc / @wikimania2012
Wikimedia-US-NYC-Discuss mailing list

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