Hi wiki-friends and wiki-newbies alike,

Our next Wikipedia NYC Meetup is Saturday May 21, 2011 at Symposium
Greek Restaurant @ 544 W 113th St (in the back room), on the Upper
West Side in the Columbia University area., starting at 6 PM.

This month we will be joined by a number of awesome out-of-towner wiki
folk attending the GLAMcamp NYC conference that weekend (see more

See details here for the May 21 meetup:


****And, that's not all!****

GLAMcamp, devoted of course to *Galleries, *Libraries, *Archives &
*Museums and their growing place in the wiki-verse, is starting off
with a bang the day before the meetup with a May 20 Friday morning
free workshop at the New York Public Library Science, Industry and
Business Library, starting at 9 AM.

This is open to all professionals and students in the cultural sector
(galleries, libraries, etc), and also to everyone from academia.

This two hour workshop is designed for those interested in learning
more about how their community can collaborate with the Wikimedia
projects - notably Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons.

Sign up here, and tell your colleagues:


And remember the #GLAMWIKI hashtag too :)


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