The new edition of Wikimedia Italia bulletin has just been issued. It
contains only the news about Wikimania 2012.

ciao, .mau.

WikimediaNews - no. 34 - July 13, 2012
Official bulletin from Wikimedia Italia Association.

== Wikimania 2012 ==
Wikimania 2012, the world conference of the Wikimedia community ( has started.

This is the seventh edition of the conference, which is held in a different
country each year: this time the host is the George Washington University
in Washington, DC, USA. The event runs from July 12 to July 15; it opened
with a speech by Jimmy Wales, cofounder of Wikipedia, which talked about
the State of the WikiWorld.

Wikimania is a meeting place where you can discuss and share experiences
about Wikipedia, free content and free software. It is a great opportunity
for the community of Wikimedia to make another step forward in spreading
free culture and Wikipedia. Almost a thousand people from over 50 countries
worldwide are expected attending the conference: among them, there will be
about fifteen Italians, seven of which coming thanks to a scholarship
program which Wikimedia Italia sponsored. Follow us on Twitter with the
hashtag #Wikimaniaci!
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