Dear all,

in the unlikely case that Wikimedia Deutschland's report pages[1] are not
on your personal Meta-Wiki watchlist, you might have missed our September
issue. Well, here's an email taxi to pick you up and take you to an
overview of what we've been working on in the past few weeks. Please find
the full report here:

The September issue includes an invitation to join the discussion of WMDE's
annual plan 2013 draft version. There's an English translation on Meta and
you're most welcome to share your thoughts on the draft's talk page![2]
More from this month's report: Our Nicole Ebber recently introduced WMDE's
new International Affairs Unit in September. She posted her introductory
notes on the annual plan talk pages, as well, so check them out for
detailed information on her upcoming work[2, again].



Michael Jahn

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Obentrautstraße 72 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. (030) 219 158 260 <>

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