Yesterday I erroneously sent a message having as title "number 46 - 20
February 2013". Actually the content was that of number 47, but I
added the wrong title. I am resending the bulletin, so that a casual
reader browsing the list may find the text. I am sorry for any trouble
I have caused... .mau.

the new bulletin from Wikimedia Italia (#47) is available. You may
find a report of our Assembly held last week, some request for help of
different types, and a wiki-curiosity about fact-checking.

As usual a link has been added to meta, at
Wikimedia_chapters/Reports/Wikimedia_Italia ; raw text of the bulletin
follows below.

ciao, .mau.


== March, time for our assembly! ==

The assembly of the Wikimedia Italia took place on March 2 in the
press room of the headquarters of Telecom Italia, in Milano. In the
morning we attended the presentation of the "Wikimedia Italia -
Telecom Italia - Università Cattolica Project" (a synopsis of the
project will soon be added on our website) by Federico Ascari (Telecom
Italia), Nicoletta Vittadini (Università Cattolica), Chiara Ottaviano
(Telecom Italia Historic Archivers) and the six graduating students
involved in the project. Then we had the presentation of the other
ongoing projects which will characterize 2013 (Veneto in Wikipedia,
Archeowiki, Wiki Loves Monuments Italia 2013); we hosted Matteo
Ruffoni ( who proposed a
partnership with schools on several topics: Wikipedia in the
classroom, an Italian equivalent of Wikipedia in "Simple English" and
textbooks released under Creative Commons.

In the afternoon the actual assembly took place, with the renewal of
the Board ( : all members of
the previous one were re-elected) and of the Board of Trustees
( one new member),
the approval of the final budget 2012 and of the provisional budget
2013, preceded by a  presentation of the fundraising actions we intend
to undertake during the year and by a vote on a small change to the
Internal Regulations (we added the paragraph "Status of a member") to
clarify the "life cycle" of a member for the association. In closing,
there was also time to exchange a few words about Wikimedia Conference
(to be held in Milan from April 18 to 21,

== We want you! ==

* The timeframe for presentation of the curricula for our future
collaborators for the project Archeowiki ended. The Board is now
evaluating the nominations. Good luck to all applicants!

* Giulia Sepe, the organizer of the Wikimedia Conference, is looking
for volunteers who can be present during the days of the conference to
lend a hand (solving small logistical problems, responding to requests
from participants, writing the minutes of meetings, etc..). If you
want to help, write to Giulia: giulia.sepe (at) wikimedia .it.

== The Giannino affair: when fact-checking means a lot ==

Oscar Giannino, a business journalist at the head of the list To Act
to Stop the Decline, resigned from President of the movement a few
days before Italian general elections, after it was discovered that
the master in economics that he had claimed to have achieved the
Chicago Booth University was nonexistent. The news was discussed for a
long time, but the trigger was in all probability a post written by
Wikipedians Jaqen and Toob]. Read the analysis on the Wikimedia
Foundation blog,
; another report may be found on the Italian blog Voices,

== Your "cinque per mille" to Wikimedia Italia ==

Italian law allows people to select a non-profit association to which
devolve 0.5% ("cinque per mille") of the tax to be payed. By donating
to Wikimedia Italia, you can support your projects without spending
anything. If you do not have to file your tax module, request the
module for the choice of the association to your employer or the
entity paying your pension, and compile it indicating the tax code of
the association: '''94039910156'''. More information on Thank you for
supporting us!

== News from Wiki world ==

* Saturday 2 March in Ivrea Radio Abawalla
( ) was born! It is a new non-commercial
webradio, broadcasting music and content under a Creative Commons

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