Hi all,
the new bulletin from Wikimedia Italia (#51) is available. You may
find a report on the Wikimedia Conference held in Milano, read about
some initiatives in libraries and nursing university, know about an
interview to our "capa" and a couple of talks of our members.

As usual a link has been added to meta, ay
Wikimedia_chapters/Reports/Wikimedia_Italia ; more-or-less raw text of
the bulletin follows below.

 ciao, .mau.

== Wikimedia Conference 2013 in Milano ==

From April 18 to 21 Milan hosted the
[http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Conference_2013 Wikimedia
Conference 2013], the annual international meeting for discussing the
state of the Wikimedia movement.
Some numbers: about 150 delegates from all over the world attended the
meeting from forty chapters and groups, a dozen of volunteers of
Wikimedia Italia for support, two facilitators moderated the sessions,
200 notebooks were used, as many pens were consumed too, 12 eggs (!)
were needed...
If you want to know more, please consult the web page where you may
also find the [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Conference_2013/Schedule
complete program] of the conference, with reports and slides of
meetings, and to
Wikimedia Commons] where you can see over 500 photos of the event. <br
A report of the event dedicated to Wikipedia and education is
available on the
Wikimedia Foundation blog].

== Libraries and Wikipedia ==

Wikipedia approaches libraries and vice versa. The series of Wikimedia
initiatives for connecting the two worlds continues.

; Sala Borsa library, Bologna
: Saturday, April 20, [[:it:User:P tasso|Piero Grandesso]] held a
workshop for those who want to know something more about Wikipedia,
steal some secret on how getting the best from it and maybe become an
active contributor. The public, very heterogeneous, was particularly
interested in the presentation; among the attendees there also were
some librarian0.
: Saturday, May 4 [[:it:User:Atropine|Ginevra Sanvitale]], expert
Wikipedian, will conduct the first collective
[http://www.bibliotecasalaborsa.it/eventi/23821 ''edit-a-thon''] in
the library: a marathon of writing entries, dedicated in particular to
the female figures in the fields of history, science and literature.
The meeting, designed for users who already know how to move within
Wikipedia, will be held from 15 to 18 in the Internet area; it is
free, but booking is required.

, Public Library of Cles (Trento)
: Thursday, May 9, [:it:Utente:Giaccai|Susanna Giaccai] will hold a
course on [http://www.aib.it/attivita/2013/34229-seminario-20130509/
being introduced to Wikipedia] aimed at librarians, teachers and
educators, to provide basic knowledge on the functioning of Wikipedia.
The meeting will take place from 14 to 17, at the Hall
Borghesi-Bertolla of the library. Registration is required:
reservations will be accepted up to the 100 available seats.

== Wikipedia goes.... to the university ==

Wednesday, April 24, was the last date in the session
meetings on Wikipedia] addressed to the students of the last year of
the Nursing Bachelorate of the
Fondazione IRCCS - National Cancer Institute of Milan].
The creator of the initiative was [[:it:User:Franciaio|Franciaio]],
supported by [[:it:User:Ilario|Ilario]] and
[[:it:User:Mizardellorsa|Mizardellorsa]] in the role of teachers.
The experience just ended will be continued next year too: the
"Wikipedian day" will become a real elective course for nursing
students at the University of Milan, with the assignment of university
credits. In addition, some students have already been proposed to put
Wikipedia in the center of the dissertations for obtaining their
degrees. Moreover, other hospitals helding degree courses are
interested to promote a similar initiative for their students. We will
keep you updated!

== Wikimedia Italia on Corriere.it ==

[[:it:user:Frieda|Frieda Brioschi]] says, [http://ur1.ca/dm12z in an
interview with Corriere della Sera], the association's activities,
starting from some considerations on the participative web and the
possibilities for young people to make Wikipedia an opportunity for
personal growth, learning to create the web without it dragging them.

== Open Science ==

[[:it:User:Aubrey|Andrea Zanni]] (''member of Wikimedia Italy
board''), participated on Monday, April 22 to
[http://www.worldwiderome.it/ World Wide Rome - Open Science - I am
the mind], an event dedicated to Nobel Prize winner Rita Levi
Montalcini on the anniversary day of her birth. ''In scienza e
coscienza. In memoria di Aaron Swartz'' (In science and conscience. In
memory of Aaron Swartz) is the title of his talk, dedicated to the
young "martyr" of open access.
Clicking here], you can see the full video;
here] instead you can read a reflection of Zanni, published on "WChe
Futuro!" web magazine.<br />
The event was also attended by Maurizio Napolitano, another member of
Wikimedia Italia, with a speech titled ''La conoscenza nella società''
(Knowledge in the society).
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb1rWE2nhRI clicking here], you can
see the full video.

== News from WikiWorld ==

* Can't wait to get home to upload to Commons your latest photos? Now
you can do it instantly with a comfortable
app for Android and iOs].
* From April 25 the Alpha version of
[http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:VisualEditor Visual Editor] is
active on the Wikipedia in Italian. Visual Editor allows you to edit
Wikipedia without having to learn Wikisyntax, like in a word

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