Dear Wikimedians,

Here is the monthly report of Wikimedia Argentina for January 2014.
You can read the full report (in Spanish and English) here:
Also, the full reports of past months are available at

1. Training at the Buenos Aires City Legislature
2. Wikipedia's 13th birthday
3. Publication of GLAM brochure
4. Resignation of our Executive Director

=== Training at the Buenos Aires City Legislature ===
On January, Wednesday 15, we carried out a training for the team of
Modernization of the Buenos Aires City Legislature. The aim of this meeting
was to transfer basic skills on wiki editing to the team coordinated by
Natalia Carfi, as well as transmitting to them the collaboration logics of
Wikipedia. Through the dialogue with this institution, that began in mid
2013 when we developed the First Legislative Editathon, we continue our
work to promote the wiki culture.

The Legislative Modernization Office is working on the development of a
''Legislative Wiki'', a project that aims at enhancing the dialogue among
the different Legislative Powers on a national level. Through this kind of
tutoring initiatives, we promote the engagement of new users in wiki
projects, bringing more editors to Wikipedia and its sister projects.

=== Wikipedia's 13th birthday ===
On Wednesday, January 15, we celebrated Wikipedia's birthday in a very
special way. In a joint action that included Wikimedia México and other
Spanish-speaking chapters, we launched a one-day communication campaign to
show the impact and reach of Wikipedia in different cities. We also
highlighted certain aspects of the free encyclopedia that speak of its
benefits as far as local culture and heritage promotion goes in each

The action had a great impact on Twitter, where «#GraciasWikipedia» (Thanks
Wikipedia) became a trending topic in Mexico, on top of also being a hot
topic in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Spain. As a whole,
the sum of efforts of all chapters reached 7,860,000 potential users, only
on Twitter. On Facebook, Wikimedia Argentina reported a total reach of 836
users and a record of engagement on that network.

=== Publication of GLAM brochure ===
During December and January, we created a brochure to promote the
participation of GLAM institutions through wiki projects. This document
aims to describe the many ways GLAM organizations can collaborate with our
community, getting benefits for the spread of their heritage. "Promotion og
Cultural Institutions" includes several images of different GLAM
activities, illustrating the different actions that can be developed
together with the GLAM institutions and a gallery of successful cases.

With this document, we not only have more resources when the time comes to
meet a new cultural partner, but we are also providing the associates of
our organization with new tools to understand the way we face these

The document is available atón_de_Instituciones_Culturales.pdf

=== Resignation of our Executive Director ===

Osmar Valdebenito, current Executive Director of Wikimedia Argentina,
announced this month his ressignation and his return to his home country,
adducing personal and professional reasons. The position will be vacant as
of March 30, 2014.

This is why, we have an open call to fulfill his position. Read the
official call (in Spanish only) to know more about the requisites and
responsibilities of this position:
People who are interested in this position should be bilingual in Spanish
and English. Applications are accepted through email before February 15th,
by submitting CV and letter of interest to Help us
spread the news of this call by sharing it with anyone whose professional
profile matches our search.


Kind regards,

*Osmar Valdebenito G.*
Director Ejecutivo
A. C. Wikimedia Argentina
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