Hi everyone,

I have some news to share about recent leadership appointments to our Board
of Trustees.

Shani Evenstein Sigalov, currently an EdTech Innovation Strategist and
lecturer at the School of Medicine in Tel Aviv University, will be the
newest member of the Board of Trustees.

Shani has been a part of the Wikimedia movement since 2011, and has focused
her contributions on closing gender and knowledge gaps by supporting female
contributors and thematic groups, working with indigenous communities and
promoting equitable access to knowledge. She has served leadership roles in
several Wikimedia affiliates and thematic groups, including as the
Chairperson for both Wikimedia Medicine and the Wikipedia and Education
User Group, and as a Board member of Wikimedia Israel. She is also
currently a member of the Partnerships Strategy working group as part of
the Movement Strategy.  She joins the Board with a depth of experience in
creating successful collaborations between Wikipedia and other free
knowledge projects and educational, cultural and government institutions.

In addition, I have been re-elected as Board Chair, and Nataliia Tymkiv has
been elected as Vice Chair after being appointed for her second term.

Please join me in congratulating Shani and Nataliia! And as Christophe's
term comes to an end, the Board gratefully thanks him for his service and
commitment to the mission, and we hope you will join us in thanking him as

Below (and on the Wikimedia Blog) you will find the official announcement
about these new leadership appointments. You can find below the rest of the

Audit Committee


   Chair: Tanya Capuano

   Members: Raju Narisetti, Shani Evenstein

   Alternates: María Sefidari

Board Governance Committee


   Chair: Lisa Lewin

   Members: María Sefidari, Dariusz Jemielniak

   Alternates: Esra’a Al Shafei

Human Resources Committee


   Chair: Dariusz Jemielniak

   Members: Raju Narisetti, Tanya Capuano

   Alternates: Lisa Lewin, María Sefidari

Special Projects Committee


   Chair: James Heilman

   Members: Esra’a Al Shafei, Jimmy Wales

   Alternates: Shani Evenstein

Affiliations Committee liaisons: Shani Evenstein, James Heilman, Nataliia
Tymkiv (alternate)

Funds Dissemination Committee liaisons: Dariusz Jemielniak, Esra’a Al Shafei

Election Committee liaison: Esra’a Al Shafei

Language Committee liaison: James Heilman

Kind regards,

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