Attendance: Brianna, Sarah, John, Charles


    * 1 Confirm previous minutes
    * 2 AGM date
    * 3 AGM agenda
    * 4 Authorisation for Backstage Pass events
    * 5 AOB

==Confirm previous minutes==
'''Resolution:''' that we accept the minutes of the [[Meeting
(2008-11-23)|previous meeting]].
* Moved: Brianna
* Seconded: Sarah
* Abstain: Charles
* Carried without dissent

==AGM date==
'''Resolution:''' That the AGM will be held 1pm AEST Sunday 11th Jan 2009.
* Moved: John
* Seconded: Sarah
* Carried without dissent

==AGM agenda==
'''Resolution:''' That we formally confirm the agenda published at
* Moved: Sarah
* Seconded: Charles
* Carried without dissent

==Authorisation for Backstage Pass events==
'''Resolution:''' That Liam Wyatt is authorised on behalf of the
committee, to organise "Backstage Pass" events with external
organisations (such as museums). This authorisation is conditional on
ongoing communication with the committee and does not extend to
authorising expenditure of funds.
* Moved: Brianna
* Seconded: John
* Carried without dissent

None. Finished 11.25pm.

They've just been waiting in a mountain for the right moment:

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