I don't see this exception applying, as I don't see WMF (or the
community) agreeing to take down this sort of material, as it has not
in the past. I refer to the English Wikipedia article "Virgin Killer"
(a mid-1970s record album from German heavy metal band the Scorpion),
which has not been taken down despite being considered "child porn" by
some authorities:


As for the WMF's or WMA's positions, I have no idea what they are or
what they should be. I just hope the "doctrine of the whole" is
considered (as it wasn't generally for Bill Henson's photography)


PS. For some reason I cannot edit the Wiki.

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 3:51 PM, private musings <thepmacco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ps. This section from the 'FAQ' is probably relavent too;
> "In consultation with owners of popular overseas sites, consideration is
> being given to exempt high traffic sites from having their material included
> on the RC Content list if they implement arrangements to either take down
> identified RC-rated content or to block it from access by internet protocol
> (IP) addresses in Australia."
> ( from
> http://www.dbcde.gov.au/funding_and_programs/cybersafety_plan/internet_service_provider_isp_filtering/isp_filtering_live_pilot/isp_filtering_-_frequently_asked_questions#14.0
> - bolding mine )
> It may be useful to look at whether or not WMF projects qualify / are
> appropriate for such an exemption - I would think traffic may warrant it?
> (whether our content does or not, is a different matter!)
> cheers,
> Peter,
> PM.
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 3:45 PM, private musings <thepmacco...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> ...I guess this topic is bound to come up - so no harm in a thread or two,
>> I reckon....
>> No doubt press commentary is worth a look ( see
>> http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/net-censorship-move-a-smokescreen-expert-20091216-kw7d.html
>> ) for example.
>> Dealing, as this proposal does, with solely 'RC' content (see
>> http://www.comlaw.gov.au/ComLaw/Legislation/LegislativeInstrument1.nsf/0/A9975715C45E4DE8CA25700D002EF639/$file/Code+26+May_to+attach.pdf
>> for full description) - it seems to relate to child porn, and the promotion
>> of crime / violence (that's the b) and c) points - the a) is a rather vague
>> 'offend.. general standards.. reasonable adult' sort of thing - I'd like to
>> know a bit more about how it's currently implemented to pass comment)
>> I suspect that generally speaking, 'RC' content is pretty horrible, and
>> should be limited as much as possible. I also suspect that I have less faith
>> in both the technical structure of the proposed filtering, and the
>> faesability of appropriate list maintainance than Senator Conroy - so I'm
>> rather of the opinion that it probably won't work very well, and probably
>> won't deliver on the intention which ('assuming good faith' !) is to try and
>> stop Australian's accessing material we'd likely all agree they shouldn't
>> be.
>> Interestingly, I think it's possible that WMF projects do host 'Category 2
>> restricted' material (explicitly depict sexual or sexually related activity
>> between consenting adults in a way that is likely to cause offence to a
>> reasonable adult) but I don't really have any idea of the ramifications for
>> that - certainly it wouldn't seem relavent to the Conroy proposal at this
>> time....
>> cheers,
>> Peter,
>> PM.
>> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Matt inbgn <mattin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Does the chapter have a position on this proposal?
>>> Should it have a position?
>>> If it has a position, what should it be doing to advance that position?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Matt
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