Hi guys,

There are some new minutes for the January and February committee
meetings available on the wiki here:


Also, the committee has now launched the Small Grants program. Chapter
members can apply for grants of up to $100 to assist with their work
on Wikimedia projects or other activities directly related to
Wikimedia Australia's mission. We have set the limit for the trial of
this program at $100 per applicant but we will review this after the
program finishes in August, so feedback after the conclusion of the
trial would be most welcome. Please be aware that while we will be
accepting applications from March until August, the trial of this
program has only a limited amount of funds available so it is
essentially operating on a  "first come first served" basis, so if you
wish to apply for a grant, please do so as soon as possible. You can
read more about this program and some examples of the types of
projects you could request a grant for at

If you have any questions about the program please feel free to contact us.


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