
Earlier this month the Wikimedia Australia website was migrated from
GFDL to CC-BY-SA, and new editors of the wiki will now be required
grant WMAU the right to migrate their contributions to another free
licence, so we wont ever be stuck on an old licence again.

With this done, we are now ready to open the wiki to non-member
participation, and in August the committee approved this proposal:


Accounts on the WMAU wiki are managed via the ConfirmAccount tool, and
we are delegating this account management task to people outside the

Anyone who would like to help is invited to apply for this role prior
to 5PM this coming Thursday evening. A short email to
commit...@wikimedia.org.au is all that is needed. On Thursday evening
the committee will appoint a few applicants as account approvers.

Non-members are more than welcome to apply - we hope to appoint at
least one non-member.

Please be aware that the new account approvers will be required to
provide their real name on our wiki.

Finally, we are aware that this is not as "open" as some would like.
It is a first step. It is an important step, as this will allow us to
plan the next steps on the wiki, with non-members able to participate
in these discussions.

John Vandenberg

Wikimediaau-l mailing list

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