I would think if the chapter has someone who can attend officially it'd be
good place to have a voice especially as this is one the things IMHO the
chapter should be recognised as a stakeholder

On 17 February 2012 19:57, Liam Wyatt <liamwy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Anyone interested in going to this (Sydney, Tuesday 10-12:30)?
> This was sent to me (and presumably everyone else on their database) by
> the Australian Digital Alliance - who are worried about the government
> making kneejerk amendments to copyright law that will hider internet
> innovation, as a result of this:
> http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-01/optus-wins-landmark-sports-broadcast-case/3805976
> http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-10/afl-appeals-optus-copyright-ruling/3823430
> I'll be going along, but just in case anyone else wishes to attend. Please
> reply to them directly if you want to go (and tell me so we can meet up) :-)
> -Liam
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Ellen Broad*
> Date: Friday, 17 February 2012
> Subject: Stakeholder meeting to coordinate response re proposed football
> codes' amendment to Copyright Act
>  Dear Liam,****
> Two weeks ago, the Federal Court ruled that time shifting provisions in
> the Copyright Act covered consumers using a cloud based personal video
> recording service. The service in question before the Federal Court was
> Optus’ TV Now Service, which allows Optus customers to use all kinds of
> devices (tablets, smartphones, notebooks and computers) to record broadcast
> television “in the cloud” and play it back within a particular time frame.
> ****
>   ****
> By now, you have probably seen the recent media reports that the
> government is considering urgent amendments to the Copyright Act to respond
> to sporting bodies' concerns about the Federal Court’s decision.
> The Australian Digital Alliance and many other stakeholders have serious
> concerns that any hasty government action in response to the decision could
> have significant negative implications for *innovative services, cloud
> computing* and perhaps most importantly, *consumer rights *to use
> copyright exceptions to the full extent intended by Parliament. ****
> ** **
>  Any watering down of the Federal Court's decision will likely
> significantly restrict the ability of consumers to use innovative
> technologies to consume legal content in the time and manner of their
> choosing.   Without great care, any amendments could also have serious
> consequences for education, library and cultural institutions whose
> students and users exercise rights under the Copyright Act such as fair
> dealing.
> We understand that a proposed amendment to the Copyright Act to alleviate
> the concerns of the football codes is imminent.****
> ** **
>  The ADA would like to invite you to a meeting to share information and
> concerns about any amendments to overturn the Court's decision, and to
> coordinate a strategic response to government to express the widest
> possible range of user concerns about any hasty legislative change.
> Given the urgency of the need to coordinate a response to government, the
> meeting will be held this *Tuesday 21 February* from 10am – 12:30pm in
> Sydney. The venue will be confirmed later today.
> I’d appreciate it if you could let me know if you’re able to attend as
> soon as possible. I apologise for the short notice, but understand that it
> may be critical to raise stakeholder concerns with government as a matter
> of urgency.
> Kind regards,****
> ** **
> Ellen Broad
> *Ellen Broad** *|* Executive Officer *Australian Digital Alliance |**
> Copyright Adviser | Law and Policy
> Australian Libraries Copyright Committee
> *t* (02) 6262 1273   |   *e *ebr...@nla.gov.au   |   *w*
> www.digital.org.au   |   *a* PO Box E202 Kingston ACT 2604****
> ** **
> ** **
>  ------------------------------
> *About the Australian Digital Alliance (ADA)*
> The ADA is a non-profit coalition of public and private sector interests
> formed to promote balanced copyright law and provide an effective voice for
> a public interest perspective in the copyright debate. ADA members include
> universities, schools, consumer groups, galleries, museums, IT companies,
> scientific and other research organisations, libraries and individuals. **
> **
> Whilst the breadth of ADA membership spans various sectors, all members
> are united in their support of copyright law that balances the interests of
> rights holders with the interests of users of copyright material.****
> ** **
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