For myself (not a committee position or anything), I would like to see us
roll out a general 1-hour presentation about Wikipedia for the public. So,
not edit training, just stuff like stats about it, how its funded, how it
operates, how vandalism is managed, what WMAU does, etc. I'd probably throw
in some "tips for the reader" - I think there's a lot of stuff on a typical
article screen that people don't realise the use of. Simple stuff like click
on a photo to see it larger and see information about the photo, or the
language links, or What links here, similar stuff (categories). As there is
no hands-on to this, it can be delivered in any public library with a
meeting "space". The goal of the exercise would to be increase people's
understanding of, use of, and hopefully respect for Wikipedia, and hopefully
loosing their purse strings for the annual donation appeal. A general
community upskilling (to use this buzzword of the month). We could also use
this introductory seminar to promote any upcoming edit training events for
anyone interested in that, but it wouldn't be the primary goal.


If we had an off-the-shelf presentation available (or perhaps a set of
modules that you could mix and match depending on the amount of time
available), would people be willing to make contact with their local
libraries and arrange to give such a presentation? I was seeing this as an
almost no-collar-cost activity with Wikipedians presenting it in their local
communities (of course there is a cost in time for all involved).






From: Leigh Blackall [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 3 July 2013 8:22 PM
Cc:; WMAu members
Subject: Re: [Wikimediaau-l] 2030 Strategic Plan for Victorian Public


Thanks Kerry, 

I'm keen to respond in any way you thought appropriate if it meant realising
this potential. I'm based on Melbourne at the moment, happy to run
workshops, especially regional Victoria.

On 03/07/2013 5:51 PM, "Kerry Raymond" <> wrote:

For those of you with a taste for a bit of GLAM in your life, you might
enjoy this 50+ page presentation of the 2030 strategic plan for Victorian
Public Libraries


or you can settle for my quick summary and still have time to watch the Tour
de France tonight:


The focus will be on:

*       creativity, 
*       collaboration
*       brain health
*       dynamic learning
*       community connection.


Which will be manifested by libraries having fewer books (or at least fewer
books on site) and a lot more "spaces" (see note below) and activities for
creative pursuits and community engagements. For those of you in sunny
Queensland, you will probably be aware of the changes at the State Library
of Queensland that demonstrate this same trend, more auditoriums and meeting
rooms, more lounge areas, the development of The Edge as a digital
creativity space


musical events, yarning evenings, etc. For example in the past month or two
at the State Library of Queensland, I've done 3D printing, feeding slime
molds and transferring jellyfish DNA into bacteria to make it glow in the
dark - it's a library with a lot more to offer than just books. And, as most
of you are probably aware, SLQ has been partnering with WMAU in relation to
image donations to Commons, regional edit training, etc.


So for those of you in freezing Victoria, it looks like there are exciting
times ahead in your public libraries. While the report is not about the
State Library of Victoria as such, nonetheless SLV folk were very involved
in the project so I am guessing that SLV's own future trajectory might be
similar. So this could be a good time to explore if SLV or the Victorian
Public Libraries might be interested in getting involved with WMAU as SLQ
and SLNSW are doing.




Note. Once buildings had rooms. Now buildings have spaces. The difference is
that rooms have walls but spaces don't have walls. Spaces are the parts of
rooms that extend to but do not include the walls. I am unsure if spaces
have ceilings and floors. Probably spaces extend up and down to but not
including the ceilings and floors. However, given the forces of gravity,
physicists continue to recommend that library spaces should be immediately
vertically positioned above a floor, physicists being very down-to-earth
kind of folks.


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