I've done a small amount of mapping sculptures and the like in OSM, but mostly have been feeling a bit confused about the current state of the art of linking Wikidata coordinate info and OSM features! :-( It's certainly not limited to artworks.

It seems the best route is to put the WD ID into a feature's attributes on OSM, and then let a bot update WD with the coordinates; all other metadata can then live in WD. It should also be reasonable easy to get list of art that's missing from WD but present in OSM.

I think tourism=artwork <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:tourism%3Dartwork> is the most widely-used tag in OSM (corresponds to Q838948 <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q838948>, "work of art"), here's an example: http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1253343627 and the most common other attributes used with it <https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/?key=tourism&value=artwork#combinations>.

My general feeling is that spatial data in OSM is more likely to be kept up to date than that in WD, whereas /other/ metadata is vice versa.


On 28/09/16 10:00, Leigh Blackall wrote:
Hi folks,

Since hosting Andy Mabbett to talk about Wikidata at RMIT Uni, we've been percolating a possible project involving Australian public art to Wikidata for (among other things) geolocated data and information... is anyone working much with this sort of thing?..

Leigh Blackall <http://about.me/leighblackall>

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