
A Anasuya poderá trazer uma importante e fundamental transformação no
momvimento Wikimedia mundial.
Tive a oportunidade de conversar com ela recentemente e fiquei extremamente
impressionado e motivado.
Para mim, um resumo de nossa conversa seria aldo como; se em 2001 a
Wikipedia inovou no modo de construir conhecimento, agora temos os recursos
e a experiência para inovar não somente no modo, como também no produto
construído pela soma do conhecimento humano, integrando vozes até então
Enfim, algo para celebrarmos e apoiarmos muito!


On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 11:19 AM, Carine Roos <> wrote:

> Achei bem interessante o histórico de atuação dela no feminismo.
> Em 02/07/2012 07:13, "Oona Castro" <> escreveu:
> Oi gente, no caso, diretora ;-)
>> Tive oportunidade de encontrá-la duas vezes (uma em San Francisco e outra
>> no Rio, quando veio para a Rio +20). Gostei muito dela. Aparentemente,
>> apesar das doferenças de culturas, falamos a mesma língua.
>> Abs!
>> Oona
>>  Em 01/07/2012 11:01, "Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton" <
>>> escreveu:
>>> Novo Diretor na WMF
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Barry Newstead <>
>>> Date: 30 June 2012 12:35
>>> Subject: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] Introducing Anasuya
>>> Sengupta, Director Global Learning and Grantmaking at the Wikimedia
>>> Foundation
>>> To: Announce Mailing List <>
>>>  Hi -
>>> I want to introduce Anasuya Sengupta as the new Director, Global Learning
>>> and Grantmaking at the Wikimedia Foundation.  She will be starting on
>>> Monday, July 2.  In this role, Anasuya will lead our work in support of
>>> the
>>> Funds Dissemination Committee, work with Asaf Bartov on grant-making and
>>> with Jessie Wild in helping us to plan, monitor, evaluate and learn from
>>> our programmatic work in a new team area, Global Learning and Evaluation
>>> that Jessie will be leading (more soon on this).  She will also serve as
>>> a
>>> close thought-partner for me and the rest of the GD team in the
>>> leadership
>>> of our work.
>>> I am thrilled that Anasuya is joining us. She brings a deep passion for
>>> social justice and an understanding of the power of free knowledge as an
>>> enabler of opportunity for everyone. She will help us hold to our
>>> commitments to increase the diversity of our community and has great
>>> experience working collaboratively to change communities for the better.
>>> She is also a really interesting person who I think we will all enjoy
>>> being
>>> around and learning from.
>>> Below is an introduction that Anasuya prepared.
>>> For those of you who will be at Wikimania, I know Anasuya is excited to
>>> meet with all of you there.
>>> Please join me in welcoming Anasuya to our team.
>>> Best,
>>> Barry
>>> ************************
>>> *Life will be measured *
>>> *by notability test?*
>>> *My secrets are mine!* ;-)
>>> ...but until we meet in person:
>>> I am an activist turned grant-maker, who has worked nationally,
>>> regionally,
>>> and internationally, to build and strengthen multi-generational feminist
>>> leadership and networks, and to amplify voices from the margins – whether
>>> across gender, sexuality, class, caste, race, age, geography or
>>> language. I
>>> grew up in north Karnataka (southern India), and returned to work in this
>>> part of the world after my undergraduate degree in Economics, as a
>>> Programme Officer at Samuha, a rural development organisation. I took its
>>> lessons with me into an M.Phil. in Development Studies at Oxford, where I
>>> studied as a Rhodes Scholar. I led a UNICEF initiative with the Karnataka
>>> police from 2001-2007, designing and implementing a state wide system of
>>> response to issues of violence against women and children. Over the same
>>> period, I served as Associate and researcher with Gender at Work, an
>>> international knowledge network for gender equality. I co-edited and
>>> wrote
>>> for the Association of Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
>>> publication, *Defending
>>> Our Dreams: global feminist voices for a new generation* (AWID and Zed
>>> Books, 2006), arguably the first international anthology of young
>>> feminist
>>> analyses and experience. I have founded campaigns, and been involved with
>>> national and international networks against religious and cultural
>>> fundamentalisms, and for sexual and reproductive rights and women's
>>> health.
>>> In 2007, I moved from Bangalore to Berkeley, as a Visiting Scholar at UC
>>> Berkeley and the Managing Trustee of a small Stanford-based family
>>> foundation funding in South India. Over the past three years, I have been
>>> Regional Program Director for Asia and Oceania at the Global Fund for
>>> Women, one of the world's largest grant-making organisations exclusively
>>> for women's human rights. In this capacity, I have overseen over 300
>>> grants
>>> to women-led organisations in the region – from Afghanistan to Kiribati -
>>> and helped develop a framework for evaluating and learning our impact on
>>> organisational growth and movement sustainability. My interest in the
>>> politics of technology has been from the point of view of a women’s
>>> rights
>>> activist, academic, and grant-maker. With Bangalore as home, surrounded
>>> by
>>> friends and family who are progressive technologists, I started
>>> questioning
>>> the politics of the software and hardware that is ubiquitous in our
>>> lives –
>>> and ended up using Ubuntu Linux on my laptop. However, the Free/Libre and
>>> Open Source Movement is not simply about technologies; at its heart is
>>> the
>>> feminist principle that governs my politics: if knowledge is power, then
>>> the empowerment of the marginalised is through a democratisation of
>>> knowledge, and the equality of the future is through a deconstruction of
>>> the privileging powers of access, voice, representation and
>>> participation.
>>> I am passionate about poetry (a haiku a day keeps my blues away),
>>> theatre,
>>> and music, and challenge myself with yoga. I tend to stick with my
>>> post-colonial British form of spelling and punctuation ('s' over 'z' and
>>> a
>>> nuanced use of the Oxford comma) unless explicitly asked not to do so.
>>> --
>>> Barry Newstead
>>> Chief Global Development Officer
>>> Wikimedia Foundation
>>> Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in
>>> the sum of all knowledge.  Help us make it a reality!
>>> Donate to Wikimedia <>
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