Esse é a mais recente wiki-novela envolvendo a relação entre a comunidade e
a WMF:

Por mais errada que possa ter sido a atitude por parte de um funcionário da
WMF (não vi os detalhes), é impressionante o grau de agressividade de
alguns voluntários em alguns momentos.

A WP PT já deve estar sabendo, pois fiquei sabendo via José Ribeiro num
tópico da esplanada sobre o encontro do fim do mês. Mas divulgando aqui a
quem interessar possa.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Mark Vandenberg <>
Date: 2014-08-10 14:29 GMT-03:00
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikitech-l] Superprotect user right, Comming to
a wiki near you
To: Wikimedia Mailing List <>

On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 10:08 PM, MZMcBride <> wrote:
> David Gerard wrote:
>>On 10 August 2014 15:51, MZMcBride <> wrote:
>>> You'd been threatening to implement super-protection for a long time. I
>>> see you finally made good on this very bad idea. This is certainly bold,
>>> but also incredibly reckless. Your response to being told "we don't like
>>> your software" is to try shove it down a wiki community's throat?
>>I thought this was a response to someone hamfistedly editing en:wp's
>>JS and *actually breaking it*. When Erik reverted this change and said
>>"don't break the damn wiki", the response was "but we can so we should
>>be able to!" and an attempt to take the Foundation to en:wp
>>arbitration. The obvious response is to make it so that such
>>blithering stupidity can't be enacted again.
> Super-protection was implemented in response to the German, not English,
> Wikipedia. It turns out that multiple communities don't like MediaViewer.
> Erik is squarely responsible for the mess being made here and deserves the
> full blame and consequences. He instigated the arbitration case on the
> English Wikipedia and he's now instigating a war with the German
> The German Wikipedia community has looked at and evaluated MediaViewer and
> has decided that it doesn't want MediaViewer enabled on its wiki. Erik has
> made it his mission to force MediaViewer on the German Wikipedians (and
> the Commoners), using system administrators and community advocates and
> anyone else he can coerce. This is unacceptable behavior on Erik's part.
> MediaViewer is an entirely supplementary feature, not some fundamental or
> critical piece of infrastructure in desperate need of protection.

As this has wide-ranging implications, I have started an RFC on meta

John Vandenberg

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