good day,

as the fundraiser was quite successful especially robin suggested to
follow up on wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) or wysiwym (what
you see is what you mean) editing for mediawikki more thoroughly, and
robin even volunteered to steer that effort more thouroghly, nando
offered his help in organizing some money if it should be necessary -
and from last years wikipedia day we know he is quite gifted for that

we started a wiki page on the current state of the art at, and also to collect some ideas.
one thing i could think of is a price of 10'000 up to 150'000 chf (up
to 100'000 eur) that could be paid to that one delivering some result.

we would be glad about any feedback, ideas, on the matter itself, on
whom we should contact, on who already did  something in the area.

kr, rupert.
* wysiwyg information:
* fundraising summary:

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