On 13.03.2011 17:36, Emmanuel Engelhart wrote:
> Yes, that means:
> - developing a variation over the WMF guidelines.
> - this will become the WMCH visual guidelines
> - these guidelines has to be followed/implemented on all used media
> *also the web site*.
> Emmanuel
This means that we have visual guidelines (also if they doesn't cover 
all elements) and we can proceed with the web site.

These guidelines indicates:
a) color to be used
b) logos and trademark
c) fonts

This is not strange because we do what other chapters have done.

What I would put the accent is the "communication" and "the message". In 
my opinion these guidelines are sufficient to give us the freedom to 
have a more communicative web site, now we can focus on the next (and 
more important) point.


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