The majority is for Sunday 26th May. It doesn't seem to me that there will
be a revolution because the working group defined in Lausanne has already
set the preferences.

May we schedule it in order to have the time to organize our calendars?


On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 2:00 PM, Patrick Kenel <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> At the General Assembly on 27 April in Neuchâtel a new Wikimedia CH
> working group for Wiki Loves Monuments has been constituted. For those of
> you who didn't attend the GA: There's a workspace on the Members wiki
> containing all relevant informations:
> The new working group seeks to support the organisation and implementation
> of the photo contest Wiki Loves Monuments. In order to take place for the
> third year in a row in our country, the contest needs a small, but
> dedicated team of volunteers who is defining a realistic structure and goal
> for the upcoming edition. If the workload isn't too heavy and the
> Board agrees with the guidelines, the team will continue with the
> preparations for the contest.
> Given that the contest is bound to take place in September, the group
> needs to hold a launch meeting soon. The place for the meeting is in Bern,
> the date hasn't been chosen yet. Please sign if you are interested in the
> thematic and want to join the five original members of the group. Here's
> the doodle poll for this meeting:
> Regards,
> Patrick Kenel
> ~~~~
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Ilario Valdelli
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