I've corrected the italian version of charter but I've some questions.

1.what means "das aktive und passive Wahlrecht". I don't understand
how can happen a "passive vote" (art.4.1).
2.in article 8.4 I've understood that an extraordinary meeting can happen if:
---there is an urgent need
---10% of members requires it
---10 members requires it but with a written request
is it correct or not?
3.there is a problem on simple majority. If the vote is not
transferable and the majority is a majority of members and not a
majority of presents, the Assembly frequently cannot decide anything
because the majority could not be available.

For this last point or we can change the transferability of vote (like
in Wikimedia Italia with only two votes for person) or we should
define the type of simple majority adding "majority of presents".

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