Bertrand Meyer, Folge 3

„Wikipedia schrieb Bertrand Meyer tot“ – mit einer falschen Todesmeldung 
geriet die deutsche Wikipedia letzten Winter in die Schlagzeilen. Solche 
Malheurs hinderten den Schweizer Informatikprofessor jedoch nicht daran, 
kurze Zeit später unter dem Titel „Defense and Illustration of Wikipedia“ 
eine eloquente Verteidigung der Wikipedia zu verfassen. Was eine gefälschte 
Todesnachricht nicht geschafft hatte, erreichte jedoch der Streit um den 
Artikel zu der von Meyer geschaffenen Programmiersprache Eiffel.
I no longer contribute to Wikipedia. I tried to make a substantial 
contribution, and was heckled down by incompetent zealots ("incompetent" is 
not my characterization: they were proud to trumpet their lack of knowledge 
of the subject matter, as it gave them more right to intervene in the 
article). Parnas et al. were right: the project is a disaster. Please do not 
believe anything you see on Wikipedia articles. If you are tempted to, please 
try the following experiment for a few weeks: write on an important subject 
that you know and care about; write your best, making sure to apply the 
strictest standards of scholarship and objectivity. Don't spend too much time 
on it, but just do it right. Then wait a little. You'll understand. [2]

Wikipedia hat einen Experten und Fan weniger. (elian, 9.9.06)
Manuel Schneider

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