Meeting Minutes-30 April 2015


Shannon Eichelberger (SE)

Eugene Eichelberger (EE)

Sharon Flynn (SF)

Rebecca O’Neill (RO)

Emma Clarke (EC)

User Group

The passwords for twitter and gmail will be changed and the new passwords
forwarded to those who need it.

EE will contact Wikimedia UK about the domain emails-to keep it moving

Oliver sent an email on behalf of the group to his local TD to ask for his
support in making all government materials with an open copyright.


RO is setting up a meeting with the Science Gallery over the next week.

SE and EE presented a workshop at the Cochrane Symposium in Dublin. We had
nine participants, all new users. The only problem we had was only 6 people
could register on the day because the IP was blocked. SE will look into
getting account permissions for herself and EE.


IMA-RO sent a proposal and is waiting to hear back.

DRHA-RO will be sending a proposal tomorrow.

Ed-Tech-The proposal sent by SF was accepted and she will be presenting a

NUI Galway-SF will confirm next week if we are presenting a workshop or


The Heritage Grant was rejected. Still waiting to hear on Arts Council

SE has added 234 monuments to the list which now totals 735. Will search
for more on Megalithic Ireland, Wikipedia, and OPW.

SE will create a To Do list to present at the next meeting.

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 5 May at 6:30 in Dublin. If you
would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send
an email to

Wikimedia Community Ireland

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