Hi All,

Wouldn't it be great if there was a single wiki page where all such links
and news could be posted by wikipedians? Maybe we can make one and then
program the group to display a link to that page at the bottom of all
communications, so that anyone sharing something awesome also posts it
there. This way we can show people a single-place resource for all news
related to wikipedia / wikimedia in India and hence bring in a lot more
visibility and publicity.

It's not plausible to collect all these news sources by traversing through
the myriad emails, so it would be great to have one page where everything
comes together. And it's too tall a task for any one individual, but if
everybody pitches in then we can build something amazing together. I don't
know how to go about setting this up, so evoking this here. If it's already
been created, then please share it.

For an external example, I've setup something similar in a mindmap, now a
wiki-map, for Teach For India and have got a very good response for it. You
can see there how various useful links are now collected in one place.

Nikhil Sheth
Pune, India
Teach For India <http://www.teachforindia.org/> Fellow, 2011-13
Find me on: Twitter <http://twitter.com/nikhiljs> |
LinkedIn <http://in.linkedin.com/in/nikhiljs> | Google
Join me on: Pune Documentary
Club<http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=138497769525636>| Let's
Do it Pune <http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lets-do-it-Pune/103857326346659> |
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