       Please get in touch with Gautam/ Arunram for contacts of WikiBhasha
team , Microsoft Bangalore. They ( MS team) recently presented it in one of
the Wikimeetups in Bangalore. You may share your concerns directly with
       Although I won't call it as disruptive, It is better to move the
third party signatures to edit summary than the article page ( like the
Google translation kit).

Tinu Cherian

On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 3:20 PM, Siebrand Mazeland <>wrote:

> Hi. Recently i have started contracting for Microsoft Research to be a
> community liason with regards to Wikibhasha.
> I understand your concerns, although I disagree that adding a comment on a
> page after an edit should be considered "highly disruptive".
> Please create a change request in to change the
> inline text comment to some identification in the edit summary. The
> Wikibhasha team at Microsoft research India will take all input very
> seriously.
> Siebrand Mazeland
> M: +31 6 50 69 1239
> Skype: siebrand
> On 7 feb. 2011, at 09:26, Shiju Alex <> wrote:
> But i have no idea if Microsoft will actually listen to us.
> If wikibasha is used in your respective wiki's and keeps adding this
>> signature, please urge the wikibasha developers to stop this practice.
> It all depends on how active the respective wiki community is. If the
> language wikis have an active community and strong policies then corportaes
> like Google or Microsoft can not overrule that.
> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 8:16 AM, Bala Jeyaraman < <>
>> wrote:
>> Microsoft's translation tool Wikibasha creates a code snippet like this -
>> <!-- WikiBhasha v=1 time=2011-2-6:11:20:20:309--> at the bottom of the
>> article everytime it is used to edit wikipedia pages. I found this out when
>> the MS representative made sample edits to Tamil wikipedia. He claims that
>> they need this to track the edits made using wikibasha.
>> I believe this practice is highly disruptive because, adding such a
>> signature to the bottom of the article is
>> a)tantamount to claiming that the entire article is the work of wikibasha
>> b) If we allow this practice, then all automated tools will start adding
>> their code snippets, bloating the page with useless code signatures.
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