
These are the sessions happening in the Wikipedia track in GNUnify.
Do join us for these sessions and also for the other talks/workshops.

Friday, 11th Feb:

"Powering the worlds favourite wiki:- Wikipedia"  by Tomasz Finc
        time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am       room no: 407
"Introduction to hacking Mediawiki" by Arthur Richards  11:15 am -
12:15 pm room no 407
"Drupal + CiviCRM + Wikimedia foundation= AWESOME !!  "  by Arthur
Richards Time: 3:45pm - 4:45   pm room no 407

Wikipedia contributing sessions will go on simulteniously between
12:30 pm to 5:30 pm in room no. 703 (Lab)

Saturday, 12th Feb:

"Introduction to Wikipedia" by Anirudha Bhati   time: 10:30 am – 11:30
am      room no: 704
"Wikipedia in schools project" by Nikhil Sheth  time: 11:45 am – 12:45
pm      room no: 704
"Wikipedia Mobile: Past, present and Future" by Tomasz Finc time: 1:30
pm to 2:30 pm room no. 704
"Wikipedia in Indic Languages" by Mandar Kulkarni, Ashwin Baindur Time
2:45pm - 3:45 room no. 704

Wikipedia contributing sessions will go on simulteniously between 1:30
pm to 5:30 pm in room no. 703 (Lab)

For further details, please visit the website www.gnunify.in


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