At bottom :-

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 16:35, Pradeep Mohandas
<> wrote:
> hi,
> Tinu Cherian and Moksh Juneja were discussing this on twitter. Tinu
> suggested that there be held a Workshop for Women in Wikipedia as a response
> to the news article/study on the point about percentage of women who
> participate in Wikipedia.
> These are a few blog and newspaper articles you can read for background
> which shows that fewer than 15% of the editors on Wikipedia are women.
> 1. Wikimedia Blog
> -
> 2. New York Times article
> - - which
> triggered the debate.
> 3. Sue Gardner, among the people covered in the NY Times article, posted a
> separate blog post
> -
> - which writes about the coverage.
> A mailing list has now been created called Gender Gap as a "a space where
> Wikipedians and non-Wikipedians can share research and information and
> tactics for making Wikipedia more attractive to women editors." This mailing
> list can be found here -
> Tinu's suggested workshop idea has led to Moksh urging him to take it up
> seriously and he's offered to help in the Mumbai end of things. I suggested
> that the first such event under that or other name could be held on March 8,
> 2011 (the centenary year of International Women's Day). The workshop is seen
> as a space to help and mentor passionate women editors on Wikipedia who need
> help. I think we do this anyway but the very bad gender skew means we have
> to do it more often.
> This has just been posted as a starting point for conversations. Ideas,
> suggestions etc are all welcome.
> warm regards,
> Pradeep Mohandas
> user:prad2609

Hi all,
 A *biased* male's opinion. Well, what little exposure I have had on
this with women, some observations, some pointers which people could
look at :-

a. As far as imagination and article creation is concerned, they have
lots of materials.

b. Drive and enthusiasm is also not an issue

c. The only issue seems to be :-

1. Lack of commitment and a community which revolves around some topic
which is their baby. *scratch our itch* stuff. I know it contravens
what I said above but that is an issue.

b. Lack of helper/guider community .

c. Lack of referencing leading to deletion of article whatever leading
to not fun thing of adding more stuff.

While there are all kinds of people and just like some people who are
self-motivated to try anything, this does not apply to all.

Some of the features/issues maybe also similar issues which drive some
of *new* India wiki editor contributions/submissions.

So it is the need of the hour. So would be good if you guys do
something, perhaps the Pune folks could also emulate it as well.

Ashwin what do you say ? I would be open to helping  out, doing
something similar on that date as well either at symbi or maybe even
SNDT girls college if you want.

Just putting it up on the air, lemme know what you think onlist or
off-list whatever is preferable to you.
          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
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