@Arun, in that case the Indian Government itself will be guilty of
threatening the unity, integrity, etc etc of the nation by terrorizing its
citizens! Let's remember that a Government is not a Nation, we must take
care to see where our ultimate loyalties lie and not confuse the two.

By the way, modern globalized trade esp the global stock markets and fuel
prices seems to threaten all these factors on a daily basis, wonder if
they'd dare to face the traders' lobby over it ;)

I've seen a very interesting documentary on the subject of modern
communication technology making the old ways of government and top-down
control irrelevant , recommend to everyone interested in this subject and
its potential to change our lives, to watch this documentary (also released
under creative commons) : Us Now, http://www.usnowfilm.com/


On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Arun Ganesh <arun.plane...@gmail.com>wrote:

> This is such a shame. And once again, the government's favorite line makes
> an appearance in the draft:
> *3.2 (j) threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty
> of India,
> friendly relations with foreign states, or or public order or causes
> incitement to the commission of any cognisable offence or prevents
> investigation of any offence or is insulting any other nation.
> *
> *
> *
> I was left wondering what happens if the passing of this bill causes large
> scale public unrest leading to people comitting cognisable offenses?*
> *
> --
> j.mp/ArunGanesh
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