* Times of India : WikiConference comes to town*

*More than 600 people from across the country who regularly write and edit
Wikipedia entries will come together for the first 'WikiConference India',
to be held on the Mumbai University campus at Fort. The three-day event
will commence on November 18. *
*The conference, which is set to become an annual affair, is aimed at
providing a common platform for all Indian Wikimedians to discuss
challenges and exchange tipsand other information related to the Wiki
project. "We are also looking at encouraging more users to contribute in
their mothertongue so that we can build and improve 22 Indic-language
projects, including the Marathi, Hindi and Gujarati Wikipedias," said Hisham
Mundol, consultant and head, India Programs Division, Wikimedia . "Of the 1
lakh people who contribute, only around 3,000 are Indian. We want to
encourage more people to write articles about the country," he adds. *
*Co-founder of Wikipedia and chairman emeritus of the Wikimedia
foundation Jimmy
Wales will kick-start the event with a keynote address. This will be
followed by users presenting on Wiki-related topics, including a
visuallyimpaired user's experience of using the service and a talk that
encourages women to contribute more, considering that only 13% of
Wikipedians are women. *
*"This will be the first time users from different parts of the country,
contributing to different language Wikis, will be able to discuss tips and
problems they face while writing and editing articles," says Pranav Curumsey,
chairperson, organizing committee, WikiConference India.*

Tinu Cherian

*Important Note : *The publisher ( Times of India ) of the above news
article owns the copyrights of the article / content. Request to not kindly
reproduce or circulate the content further. The information is only shared
only with an internal community who have been featured on this article.
 All copyrights are duly acknowledged.
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