On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Shiju Alex <shijualexonl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But these type of changes (like the change in shortcut key) which affect the
> typing habit of users needs to be communicated to commuity (here Indic
> wikimedians), at least in this list.

No change in typing habit, it was just broken and not working in those
browsers in OSX. We just made it working. We did not change any
existing working key to an alternate key.

On the other hand Keyboard layout change requests often comes through
bugzilla from community and get reviewed by community. So its upto the
community to update the documentation in local language.

Anyway any changes that are not "fixes" will be communicated.

Having said that there is a small user interface update coming
tentatively next week's deployment - the menu will not be visible by
moving the mouse over the links of webfonts and Narayam. Menu will be
visible when user click on the links.
You can see this change in translatewiki.net.

There is also another update  for Narayam, to make the menu position
correct in LTR and RTL and to prevent it crossing screen width. It is
a bug fix.

These changes are applicable for both Narayam and Webfonts.



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