Dear Wikipedians.

Wish you all a great and joyous 2012.

The new year is probably a good time to kick off a new initiative around
GLAM (Museums).
Initiative Context

Museums are important cultural institutions for GLAM initiatives. There is
no complete and reliable list Museums across India. This is due to various
reasons like geographical distribution and jurisdiction. These institutions
have a wealth of cultural knowledge and artifacts and therefore are key to
partner with.

Some of the incredible artifacts they house are not widely known to the
general public. As an example Mysore museums house the Halmidi inscription
has the oldest kannada inscriptions that go back to 400-500 AD.

Museums can come under various jurisdictions like the following:

   - Archaeological survey of India
   - Central ministries - Culture, Rail, etc
   - State archaeology departments
   - Run by public sectors
   - Private ownership
   - Run by Trusts or NGOs

Museums can cover various themes:

   - Heritage
   - Archaeological
   - Art and Crafts
   - Folk forms/culture
   - Science
   - and more...

What needs to be done?

Catalog and compile a reliable list of Museums for each of the states and
UTs in the country. This will need to done by reviewing various sources
online, state and central departments.

Subsequently a subset of these could be chosen for specific initiatives.
Call for volunteers

This is a for volunteers to assist with this compilation. We need one
volunteer for each of the states.

Please volunteer here:

Starting point for GLAM initiatives:

Look forward to your active participation. Thank you!


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