*Details of this event could be accessed at


Dear all,

An introductory session about "Introduction to Wikipedia" at
"Kurukshetra2012", an international tech fest at College of Engineering
Guindy, Anna University, Chennai was attended by 2 wikipedians Subhashish
and Surya and 45 students. This event was intended to bring awareness among
students attending this fest about writing articles in the Wikipedia.
Subhashish took the audience through a
basics of Wikipedia, how they can edit Wikipedia, what they can
edit in Wikipedia. Later on the students questioned about authenticity of
articles edited by multiple editors and there was a discussion regarding
that. Students also questioned if Wikipedia editing will help them to gain
some qualities and certifications which will help them during their campus
placements. There were also questions regarding Technical projects and
questions regarding jobs at Wikimedia. There were curious folks who
questioned abut the cause of blackout against SOPA and PIPA!

The questions asked by students had lot of valid points regarding
notability and authenticity of Wikipedia articles, there is need for
documentation of them in the form of FAQs, So, majority of the important
questions and answers to them would be documented in the meta page of Outreach
Program Handbook

After the discussion Surya spoke about Tamil
Wikipedia<http://ta.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page>and the on going

Attendees socialized and had a group photo session after the event.
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