Hi All,


We had our 47th Bangalore meetup


on 10 June 2012 @ our regular venue, CIS Bangalore. This meetup  came out
to be  a very special meetup as for most people  it is their first  meetup.

Some of them got to know about Bangalore meetup from the banner displayed
on wikipedia. It was good to know Tinu & Naveen’s efforts are fruitful.

We had a round of introductions and came to know  energy, enthusiassm.
excitement about Wikipedia. Some of the participants are students and
showed interest in organising Wiki academies in thier colleges. There is
lot of interest in  volunteering to contribute for organizing WCI-2012.
Several suggestions were shared about  organizing conferences.

As many participants  are new to Wikipedia, we had a question and answer
sesion. Arjuna Rao Chavala answered all their questions giving multiple
options to do tasks.

Arjuna explained about Wikipedia Zero (
http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikipedia_Zero) project to make access to
Wikipedia free on mobile phones.  He also explained on how to use indic
languages in mobiles.

All the participants signed up for India chapter membership and submitted
They all subscribed to Bangalore mailing
mailing lists<https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/Wikimediaindia-l>too.

We winded up our meeting with a photo session.*


Thanks & Regards,
Wikimedia Bangalore SIG
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