Dear All,

 I am delighted to inform you that CIS-A2K has signed an MoU with the
Christ University, Bangalore. As part of this MoU Christ University and
CIS-A2K will work together to introduce “Wikipedia in the Indian Under
Graduate Language Classroom” at Christ University, Bangalore.

 The broad objective of this program is to instil the following skills in
the Under Graduate student using Indian language Wikipedias as part of the
Christ University pedagogy:

a) Writing Skills (ability to write in an objective fashion/NPOV);

b) digital information literacy skills;

c) ability to critically engage with a concept/theme; and

d) language proficiency skills

 CIS-A2K will be doing a one hour orientation on Wikipedia and the program
to almost 1,600 students. As part of the orientation we will reach out to
about 800 students who have Hindi as a second language, 600 students who
have chosen Kannada as a second language, 150 Sanskrit students and about
40 Tamil students and 10 Urdu students. Post the orientation the students
will be given an option to do one out of the three continuous internal
assignments (CIA), as a group assignment, on an Indian language Wikipedia.
We are currently working on the design of this program and will soon share
a detailed FAQ for your feedback and inputs.

 Christ University and CIS-A2K have also agreed to license all material
developed and produced under this partnership under CC-BY-SA 3.0.

 Please join me in thanking Dr. Anil Pinto (Registrar, Christ University),
faculty of Christ University and our very own Vikram Vincent, who have
shown great leadership in building this partnership.


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