
I have the numbers of the labels in the languages of India for you. When
you add labels in *YOUR* language, it is possible to add a few hundred
labels in an hour. The trick is to right click on the missing labels and
open a new window and add a missing label.

 hi 104,025  new 72,106  ta 68,303  mr 47,609  bn 46,612  ml 46,281  ur
45,275  te 39,648  bpy 29,460  gu 27,232  my 26,006  ne 22,188  kn 13,855
si 8,328  pa 7,607  sa 6,878  or 5,820  as 4,994  bh 2,479  pi 2,223  sd 470
ks 145
When you have look at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q668?uselang=kn you
will see India in the Kannada language. When you first add labels for the P
numbers, you add labels to properties. They are used most often. When you
continue by adding labels for the Q numbers, you will find that they are
often used on other countries.

Obviously by changing kn to the language code of *YOUR* language, you can
add the labels missing in *YOUR* language.

When you want to see the results of what you are doing, have a look at this
when you are done...
http://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/test/?lang=kn&q=Q668 What shows up in
English does not yet have a label in Kannada..
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