On Wednesday 14 May 2014 08:17 PM, Ravishankar wrote:
So, I would like to know if you have signed a separate MoU or some sort of lgeal contract that defines the terms and conditions of working relationship with WMF apart from the grant agreement.
Dear Ravi, Hari and Dhaval,

Other than the 2 year Grant Agreement CIS has not signed any other separate MoU with WMF.

Asaf has explained in detail on this list as to why this Grant Agreement is not being shared publicly. I am quoting him here again "We (i.e. WMF) will not be sharing that agreement, on principle: not because there's anything secret or damning in it, but because we do not want to create a misleading precedent that may set the expectation that all WMF contracts are subject to community review. This isn't, and cannot be, the case. We likewise do not expect Chapters or other partners to publicly share contracts...".

Please see his posting here http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimediaindia-l/2013-November/010603.html


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