Dear Wikimedians,

ICFOSS, Govt of Kerala in collaboration with FSF-India, CIS,,
Swatantra Malayalam Computing and other like minded organisations is
celebrating Swtantra-2014, fifth international free software confrence of
Kerala. This is scheduled during 18-20 December 2014 at Thiruvananthapuram.
More details about the event can be seen at : .

CIS-A2K will be providing limited travel and stay scholarships to
interested Wikimedians from various language communities to attend this
event and benefit from it. Upto 10 scholarships are available for
Wikimiedians applying from Kerala. Upto 3 scholarships will be considered
from other Indic Wikimedians and India based English Wikipedians. If you
are interested please register your name here on Meta

*Eligibility*: You should have been a Wikimedian with a minimum of 200
edits on Wikimedia projects as on June 1, 2014.

*Important dates*: Nominate yourself by *December 8*, 2014 (many apologies
for this delay and short notice). We will confirm support by December 9,

*Travel & Stay information*: (applicable only once the support is confirmed)

  * Low fare flight costs will be considered if your travel by bus/train is
more than 24 hours to Thiruvananthapuram.
  * Stay in budget hotels, preferably on twin sharing basis.
  * All costs of the selected Wikimedians will be reimbursed on actual
basis upon submission of original bills to CIS Office in Bangalore within
10 days of receipt.
  * It is essential to submit boarding passes along with tickets if you
travel by a flight.
  * CIS could help book flight tickets upon request. Those interested to
avail this support need to fill a form that we will circulate

*Queries and correspondence*:

  * For all queries, please write to rahim{at} and vishnu{at}

*Expectations from selected Wikimedians*:

  * Please see if you could utilize this opportunity to find solutions to
some of the technical/other problems your community may be facing.
  * Do consider giving back the learning to your respective communities.
  * We would appreciate if you could share your experience and learning
publicly. CIS-A2K will be happy to publish your write-up on our blog

If you know of a Wikimedian in your community who could benefit from this
event and also could bring back learning to benefit your community, please
encourage them to apply.

Thank you
Rahmanuddin Shaik
Program Officer
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