Currently tat CIS-A2K, we are working on a handbook called "Indic Wikipedia
Policies and Guidelines Handbook" where we are discussing a number of
things such as: Creating new policies, Modifying existing ones; and to
explain these we had to discuss Village Pump, Consensus etc. The book is in
English, but we hope to translate and print the book in a few Indian


a) We are eager to add your frequently asked questions on policies and
guidelines, and discuss the difficulties you are facing to manage, enforce
or deal with any policy on your Wikipedia.

For this reason, we are inviting you to ask questions or discuss things
related to your Wikipedia's policies and guidelines.

Selected questions or discussions will be published in our handbook and
askers/participants will be given credits in the book.


b) We are also inviting you to preview the handbook and give your feedback
to improve it.

Please fill this form and let us know if you want to join this survey:

You may also email us at t...@cis-india.org if you have any question.

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