
Applications for Wikimania 2016 scholarships are accepted until Jan 09,


I have an appeal for Wikimedians from India who have attended Wikimania
more than two times.

As you all know, attending Wikimania is a very proud and motivating moment
in a Wikimedian's journey. But, we have only limited scholarships. There
are many deserving Wikimedians who have applied many times but never had
the chance to attend even once. We can increase the chance of new members
from our communities attending Wikimania by not applying again for a
Wikimania scholarship for the next few years.

We can also help by spreading the word and encouraging more members to
apply. There is a global mentorship program too this year  -



P.S. This is just a personal appeal. I first attended Wikimania in 2011 and
waited till 2015 to apply again. I am not applying for a scholarship for
the next few years. At this moment, I also don't know if I can afford to
attend it by personal or professional means :)
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