
I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce Manavpreet Kaur as a
Community Relationship Specialist with a particular focus towards India.
Ms.Kaur is based in India, and will be working with the Wikimedia
Foundation. She will be on a short-term contract, and during this period
primarily act as a liaison to conduct timely interactions with community
members for a few project rollouts. She will be available through on-wiki
channels and also conduct off-wiki or in-person meetings to facilitate
discussions for topics that may need a collaborative understanding of
requirements and implementation.

As part of ongoing Wikimedia Foundation product initiatives, we realized an
immediate need to further strengthen the community interactions within
India. This arises as we gain momentum towards providing more structured
support through our products, towards languages and communities who have
faced severe challenges around availability and creation of content.

Manavpreet will reach out very shortly with more details on these projects,
and the plans around them. We hope these interactions will help us support
the wider mission, with additional focus on local needs, to build a more
inclusive and contemporary vision for our projects.

best regards,
Runa Bhattacharjee (she/her)
Senior Engineering Manager, Language
Wikimedia Foundation
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