Sir, I'm a since editor of wikipedia (Kn) since 2005. I'm not at all
impressed about your policiy. Let me tell you.

1. I have contributed one thousand and more kannada articles since then. A
dozen articles in english. I'm such a senior person(75) look at the way I
have been treated. Rather neglected !
My mistake was I have two IDs one is Radhatanaya (Kn) second is
Rangakuvara(Eng). I have uploaded a few photos. which they say violating of
some standards.
Right. I agree. But can I not be pardoned., and say in simple terms not to
do this that etc. ?
Instead I have been banned to upload photos for ever. Even the jail inmates
are given a chance to pardon.
I do not know much about the laws etc.
I feel that I am let down by the authorities. No help is coming from any
I feel I'm an orphan ! What else can I call myself.
All big big slogans are told and printed. I have purchased a new Nikon
camera D-3400  thinking my phots are fixed in my articles But what is the
use ?

Dejected and morst repenting and most unhappy wikipedia of kannada,

-Radhatanaya, Mumbai

On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 9:51 PM Yohann Thomas <> wrote:

> Dear Anirudh,
> Before replying to your query, I must make it clear that eventhough
> Abhinav is now handling the communications with the AffCom & the overall
> community, regarding the suspension notice, your query on this issue,
> predates when Abhinav was Co-opted as an Executive committee (EC) member.
> Keeping this in mind, I will try my best to address this as the secretary
> of the chapter.
> Wikimedia India (WMIN) had its last elections in April 2017 [1]  and
> subsequent to that in July 2017 [2] the new executive committee was
> inducted. This executive committee had seven members representing different
> regions of India as Telangana, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh,
> Kerala and Karnataka. The new executive committee started taking the
> movement forward and also received appreciation for its activities [3].
> In the meantime, efforts were also being put up to revive Chapter's
> foreign funding option, however, nothing concrete could happen.
> Inspite of the best efforts of the EC to maintain stability in the
> chapter, two executive committee members resigned citing personal reasons.
> The Chapter was at this stage reduced to less people working, which
> impacted the communication flow.
> While Chapter continued to undergo zero-budget programs, it did not share
> them with the community until the completion of the Financial Year. All
> four quarterly reports were collectively shared only in April 2019.  We
> sincerely offer our *APOLOGIES*.   In the midst of Government compliance
> notices and undertaking activities, there had been a mis-management which
> drastically impacted the flow of information. The EC is always committed in
> improving its protocols and procedures each and everyday, eventhough our
> resources are limited.
> Similarly, many memberships were approved at a very later stage and we
> wish to again *APOLOGISE* for the same.
> On the composition, a prime concern floating has been its bylaws, such
> that they may require a change. While Suo-Moto (on its own) initiatives can
> always take place, to make the process much more inclusive, it may be
> beneficial to have a community conversation .  The Chapter can definitely
> take initiatives on Mailing List, Village Pump, Chapter's Wiki etc for the
> community to drop their suggestions and then make way for changing any
> composition as needed. The chapter always believes that it is flexible in
> this regard.
> If Chapter attains success in challenging the suspension notice, with
> community inputs it will obviously call for a fresh election,
> *immediately*, since its mandated two year term is already over
> Regarding expectations by the chapter, we had dedicated a page for the
> very purpose of suggestions by the community [4]. If there are any
> suggestions, on what better or best practices to be followed, Chapter is
> all ears in listening and implementing them.
> Regards,
> Yohann Thomas
> Secretary
> Wikimedia India
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4] *
> <>*
> On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 3:55 PM Anirudh S. Bhati <>
> wrote:
>> Hello Abhinav,
>> Can the EC directly address the question regarding the lack of trust
>> among members of the community as far as the current composition of the EC
>> is concerned, and how the EC intends to resolve this?  If there are no
>> changes in the composition of the EC, I do not see how the situation can be
>> resolved, especially when several members of the community have raised
>> concerns regarding the conduct of EC collectively as well as members of the
>> EC individually on this thread as well as others.
>> Looking forward to hearing from all of you at the earliest.
>> Yours,
>> Anirudh
>> On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 8:34 AM Abhinav srivastava <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> Wikimedia India (WMIN) always appreciates the community members who step
>>> forward to support the India Chapter and have provided the confidence for a
>>> national mandate. WMIN is a volunteer-run organisation and it is a
>>> privilege to receive the support from the volunteers on this problem. WMIN
>>> also appreciates the community’s effort in putting the Chapter much more
>>> accountable each and every day. WMIN always invites even dissent under a
>>> friendly space and understands them to be a process to learn and improve
>>> upon.
>>> Now, categorically listing the ACTION ITEM into two
>>>    1.
>>>    Legal Compliance :
>>>             a.) Foreign Funding : Several community members at different
>>> platform such as Mailing List, Village Pump, Meta Discussion page have
>>> expressed their concerns and also provided advice for a probable solution.
>>> Several members have also expressed their intent to communicate directly
>>> with the Affiliations Committee and Wikimedia Foundation (WMF). WMIN has
>>> been advocating for a public trail and would be happy to wait for Affcom
>>> and WMF to reply on Meta and Mailing List. Subsequent to that any possible
>>> idea of having a conference call can also be considered with participation
>>> from community members.
>>>             b.) White Paper on Chapter’s Compliance : As several
>>> statements have been floated such as WMIN not being a registered
>>> organisation, receiving funding from WMF as a necessary criteria etc. WMIN
>>> with the assistance of the community members, those who have come forward
>>> and those who may wish to do so now, would prepare a White paper to reflect
>>> the Chapter’s present standing. The paper would also discuss Chapter’s
>>> standing with its external partners and why User Group is not a valid
>>> proposed proposition.
>>>    1.
>>>    Governance :
>>> a.) Improving Community Conversations : WMIN understands that with no
>>> funding, it has limited opportunity in interacting with community members.
>>> As a probable solution, inviting community members to record their
>>> grievance on a diversified range of public platforms say Meta Discussion
>>> page, Community Hall at Chapter’s Wiki, Mailing Lists and most importantly
>>> on Village Pump in one’s native language. We are already familiar with such
>>> medium, however suggestions for Chapter have remained relatively very less.
>>> Right at this hour, we invite community members put their suggestions,
>>> feedback and also grievance if any and how to better improve.
>>> Earlier this year, WMIN had used similar platforms to record suggestions
>>> for Project Tiger [1] and Membership [2]. Even if WMIN does not address the
>>> concerns such public statements can promote accountability and most
>>> importantly promote transparency.
>>> b.) Bylaw Changes : Similar to Russia Chapter it may be relevant to have
>>> User Group representation at the Chapter [3]. This may build a network grid
>>> for the volunteer affiliates. There maybe many more suggestions, for
>>> instance on record there has been a suggestion to have some editing history
>>> as a necessary criteria for voting [4]. It is important to have healthy and
>>> productive discussions on such issues at different public platforms as
>>> mentioned above.Such discussions would strengthen the notion, ‘The will
>>> of the executive committee is the will of the Indian community’.
>>> Looking forward to hearing from all of you.
>>> नमस्कार
>>> Abhinav
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> [4]
>>> On Sun, 21 Jul 2019 at 21:40, Abhinav srivastava <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Anirudh And All,
>>>> *Abhinav - I would also like to hear a collective response from the EC
>>>> regarding this situation and how they aim to work with the Foundation and
>>>> the community to correct it.  *
>>>> An action plan will be provided very shortly.
>>>> Abhinav
>>>> On Sun, 21 Jul 2019 at 13:28, Anirudh S. Bhati <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Ashwin,
>>>>> I believe there are valid concerns regarding the current composition
>>>>> of the EC as well, but I do not think revocation of WMIN's license as a
>>>>> Wikimedia chapter is a correct response, especially not based on the
>>>>> rationale provided by Chris/WMF in their email above.  If the Foundation
>>>>> shares these concerns with you, then perhaps a better resolution would be
>>>>> to seek re-organization of the Executive Committee, thereby inducting
>>>>> members who have the trust of the Indian community, rather than 
>>>>> retaliating
>>>>> in a manner that seems to negate years of work done by Wikimedia 
>>>>> volunteers
>>>>> associated with the chapter (and employees such as Ravishankar) who have
>>>>> spent countless hours building the chapter over the years.
>>>>> Abhinav - I would also like to hear a collective response from the EC
>>>>> regarding this situation and how they aim to work with the Foundation and
>>>>> the community to correct it.
>>>>> Yours,
>>>>> Anirudh
>>>>> On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 9:13 PM Ashwin Baindur <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I made a mistake, in that I had forgotten this thread was started not
>>>>>> by a Chapter member but by some one else, so I withdraw my remark about 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> title of the thread and apologize to Chris for the remark.
>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 20, 2019, 7:11 PM Abhinav srivastava <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Ashwin Sir,
>>>>>>> Our only point is if there are a set of complaints then put them in
>>>>>>> Public domain. Let the community read and review it for themselves. We
>>>>>>> never intend to say we have been subject of injustice. All we have been
>>>>>>> saying abide to 'Transparency'. Community is good enough to read and
>>>>>>> understand it for themselves. Similar to Chapter not been registered 
>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>> are many more claims but we are never asking anyone to buy our opinion.
>>>>>>> Again, we are only asking to come transparent.
>>>>>>> if you believe our Reports are not "zero-budget", then we are open
>>>>>>> to any kind of audit and investigation. Community can decide and let us
>>>>>>> know. You yourself would also be welcome to audit.
>>>>>>> This mail thread is not for CIS attribution grabbing or WMIN
>>>>>>> President. I have asked CIS to release information on attribution 
>>>>>>> grabbing
>>>>>>> in public domain on which CIS Director has responded they are 
>>>>>>> comfortable
>>>>>>> with it and on Wikimania 2018, Chapter has its inability to answer on 
>>>>>>> Why
>>>>>>> the next person in waiting was not awarded the scholarship. It was a CIS
>>>>>>> grant and Chapter has already said that they would make sure to engage 
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> the community from future, on their own and not be dependent on the
>>>>>>> grantee.
>>>>>>> I cannot reply to anything written in bad-faith. However, if you
>>>>>>> believe we have been unethical I WISH TO OFFER AN APOLOGY 
>>>>>>> unconditionally.
>>>>>>> I am afraid I can do anything else for you, but to say, you dissent
>>>>>>> voice is also welcome under WMIN's free speech objectives.
>>>>>>> Abhinav
>>>>>>> On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 at 18:51, Ashwin Baindur <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> The AffCom has a number of complaints against the Chapter. The
>>>>>>>> implication is that the EC has been intentionally or unintentionally 
>>>>>>>> remiss
>>>>>>>> in meeting some requirements specified by them.
>>>>>>>> EC is trying to fixate the topic under public attention as an
>>>>>>>> injustice on the Chapter solely due to its inability to fundraise and
>>>>>>>> refusal to take I to account the "zero budget" activities.
>>>>>>>> What EC is doing is attempting to get the India community to
>>>>>>>> overlook its lack of communication, unethical behaviour, lack of 
>>>>>>>> openness
>>>>>>>> of the EC as if that doesn't matter. There is absolutely no mention on 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> group as to how the EC should mend it's ways and what is the way out of
>>>>>>>> this situation.
>>>>>>>> I for one, am quite unhappy over this situation. The EC member in
>>>>>>>> charge of communication who was voluble about the CIS claiming credit 
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> an event still hasn't spoken about why the Head of the EC hasn't given 
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> reasonable and valid explanation to all the queries on the mailing list
>>>>>>>> raised about the head of EC and his association with South African
>>>>>>>> Wikimania.
>>>>>>>> This thread has also been titled "Support for our communities
>>>>>>>> across India" which is a falsehood. What is being shamelessly 
>>>>>>>> solicited is
>>>>>>>> support for Chapter in it's present troubles, not support for our
>>>>>>>> communities.
>>>>>>>> Are we expected to rally around the chapter just because it is
>>>>>>>> "Indian"? I think not.
>>>>>>>> Morals, behaviour, right and wrong do not change and cannot be done
>>>>>>>> away with just because the perpetrators are Indian.
>>>>>>>> It is the demonstrated lack of ethics and Wikipedia culture that
>>>>>>>> worries me, not the fact that Chapter can't raise funds, nor the fact 
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> it will be derecognised by AffCom till it meets the various conditions.
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 20, 2019, 2:45 PM Abhinav srivastava <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear Ashwin Sir,
>>>>>>>>> With all due respect you are deviating from the topic. In my
>>>>>>>>> different capacities with different affiliates, I have been bestowed 
>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>> the responsibility for communications. Please understand EC is
>>>>>>>>> *collectively* responsible to its members, your statement is 
>>>>>>>>> undermining
>>>>>>>>> its office.
>>>>>>>>> If you are concerned about other EC members not active, I would
>>>>>>>>> recommend you to check the reports <
>>>>>>>>> All have some contribution or the other.
>>>>>>>>> Now, I recommend you not to deviate form the principal issue.
>>>>>>>>> Funding is not the only issue, earlier Foundation was mentioning about
>>>>>>>>> Chapter not being a registered organisation and subsequent to that 
>>>>>>>>> much
>>>>>>>>> more which is not authentic <
>>>>>>>>> >.
>>>>>>>>> Please don't punish me by putting such statements, I am involved
>>>>>>>>> in several User Groups and could have easily put some hat on.
>>>>>>>>> Abhinav
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 at 14:17, Ashwin Baindur <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Is the funding issue the only issue that is the problem? It
>>>>>>>>>> appears that there are other issues as well. The EC members except 
>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>> Abhinav, who is a recent inductee, are silent. They need to speak up 
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> give their view on all the issues concerned, especially as they were 
>>>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>>>> EC during the period of non-compliance.
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 20, 2019, 7:51 AM Subhashish Panigrahi <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I feel that there is a lot of negativity which comes from some
>>>>>>>>>>> genuine frustrations but also impulsive action. As the situation is 
>>>>>>>>>>> fairly
>>>>>>>>>>> complex, it would be useful to stick to the facts only. A lot of new
>>>>>>>>>>> subscribers to this list who might not have context will simply be 
>>>>>>>>>>> affected
>>>>>>>>>>> adversely if this continues. My note below is not to undermine the 
>>>>>>>>>>> efforts
>>>>>>>>>>> or genuine interests of anyone but to share some clarity around 
>>>>>>>>>>> compliance
>>>>>>>>>>> based on some similar experiences.
>>>>>>>>>>> When Anirudh’s response gives a good sense of FCRA, I just
>>>>>>>>>>> wanted to reiterate the fact that receiving FCRA approval has a 
>>>>>>>>>>> 50:50
>>>>>>>>>>> chance and it is a three-year long process. Clean records, 
>>>>>>>>>>> full-time staff
>>>>>>>>>>> and a long list high-impact activities can still lead to a decline 
>>>>>>>>>>> if one
>>>>>>>>>>> doesn’t have the right kind of connections. However, an NGO can 
>>>>>>>>>>> apply for a
>>>>>>>>>>> prior permission for a one time foreign funding for a standalone 
>>>>>>>>>>> activity
>>>>>>>>>>> and the chances of receiving that funding is higher as compared to a
>>>>>>>>>>> regular FCRA approval. Coming from a donor’s perspective as I was 
>>>>>>>>>>> dealing
>>>>>>>>>>> with the same issue of funding Indian affiliates for an 
>>>>>>>>>>> organization that I
>>>>>>>>>>> worked for, I believe, FCRA should not be compliance criterion for 
>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>> Indian NGO. Many NGOs that have a much longer history and have done 
>>>>>>>>>>> a lot
>>>>>>>>>>> of paid work (and hence in large volumes) with bigger teams (and 
>>>>>>>>>>> especially
>>>>>>>>>>> lawyers on the payroll) have failed to acquire FCRA just because of 
>>>>>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>>>>>> activities and publications that might have openly criticized a 
>>>>>>>>>>> government.
>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, a mission-aligned NGO with FCRA approval can always
>>>>>>>>>>> help another smaller NGO as a fiscal sponsor till the time the 
>>>>>>>>>>> latter
>>>>>>>>>>> builds a portfolio with some local grants. This has to be done very
>>>>>>>>>>> carefully so that the funding doesn’t look like a circumvention of 
>>>>>>>>>>> FCRA
>>>>>>>>>>> meaning that the entire activities will need to be 
>>>>>>>>>>> organized/co-organized
>>>>>>>>>>> by the fiscal sponsor. In real terms, no matter who is involved in 
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> activity, all the work, vendor payments, and even the branding must 
>>>>>>>>>>> include
>>>>>>>>>>> the fiscal sponsor. It becomes the said fiscal sponsor’s activity 
>>>>>>>>>>> funded by
>>>>>>>>>>> a foreign donor and supported by volunteers or paid contractors 
>>>>>>>>>>> from other
>>>>>>>>>>> collectives/NGOs. Considering the hardship (or more of chances of a
>>>>>>>>>>> ballgame) this is probably a model a donor organization like WMF can
>>>>>>>>>>> explore so that individuals or collectives don’t have to pay taxes 
>>>>>>>>>>> while
>>>>>>>>>>> receiving any funding. This arrangement might have a compliance 
>>>>>>>>>>> cost factor
>>>>>>>>>>> and availability of staff as the fiscal sponsor has to pay its 
>>>>>>>>>>> staff and
>>>>>>>>>>> should have the bandwidth to manage the additional work.
>>>>>>>>>>> Another model that IEEE and many others have explored is
>>>>>>>>>>> allowing nonprofit (and even for-profit companies) to become the 
>>>>>>>>>>> grantee.
>>>>>>>>>>> I’m not very sure of the tax exemption part but I believe that a 
>>>>>>>>>>> for-profit
>>>>>>>>>>> company can only receive investments (and not grants) and must pay 
>>>>>>>>>>> tax.
>>>>>>>>>>> That could be an extra expense but it’s much safer. The actual work 
>>>>>>>>>>> must be
>>>>>>>>>>> reported as a work by this company just like the previous 
>>>>>>>>>>> situation. IMHO
>>>>>>>>>>> foreign nonprofit donors should definitely have the flexibility 
>>>>>>>>>>> (that the
>>>>>>>>>>> grantee profile can range from a not-for-profit society or trust or 
>>>>>>>>>>> company
>>>>>>>>>>> to a for-profit company) for their Indian grantees because it’s 
>>>>>>>>>>> risky to
>>>>>>>>>>> operate as an NGO in India since the last few years and manage to 
>>>>>>>>>>> get FCRA
>>>>>>>>>>> approval at the same time while doing good work. When Wikipedia is 
>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>> about open knowledge sharing in multiple languages, issues related
>>>>>>>>>>> map/border can work against a grantee and the law enforcement 
>>>>>>>>>>> agencies can
>>>>>>>>>>> go behind them.
>>>>>>>>>>> My request to WMF and AffCom would be to reconsider WMIN’s
>>>>>>>>>>> situation with the lens of FCRA-related compliance issues because 
>>>>>>>>>>> FCRA as a
>>>>>>>>>>> compliance factor could jeopardize any smaller Indian NGO.
>>>>>>>>>>> Subhashish
>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 20, 2019, at 2:36 AM, Sudhanwa Jogalekar <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> I have replied on the thread on meta. Copying that content here
>>>>>>>>>>> for reference:
>>>>>>>>>>> Anirudh has already mentioned most of the points I also wanted
>>>>>>>>>>> to say. (Check here:
>>>>>>>>>>> I will add a few more things here. WMF is very very keen on all
>>>>>>>>>>> kinds of legal compliance. The recent example is the "Germany court 
>>>>>>>>>>> order".
>>>>>>>>>>> Surprisingly, possibly for the first time in Wikipedia history, all 
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> relevent content was WIPED out from Wikipedia within a day of the 
>>>>>>>>>>> court
>>>>>>>>>>> order where only one person was affected by the content. Compared 
>>>>>>>>>>> to that,
>>>>>>>>>>> here in India, FCRA issue is affecting thousands of organisations 
>>>>>>>>>>> in a
>>>>>>>>>>> serious way and AFFCOM is still not able to understand the FCRA 
>>>>>>>>>>> compliance
>>>>>>>>>>> issue. (Maybe, compared to Indian languages, German language is 
>>>>>>>>>>> better
>>>>>>>>>>> understood by concerned people!!)By the way, What was the
>>>>>>>>>>> support given by WMF/AFFCOM to WMIN in the FCRA matters? Have they 
>>>>>>>>>>> provided
>>>>>>>>>>> any consultant or legal help to WMIN. Or even some high level 
>>>>>>>>>>> contacts in
>>>>>>>>>>> the concerned Government office to put up our case further.It
>>>>>>>>>>> will also be interesting to know if by any chance, CIS looses FCRA, 
>>>>>>>>>>> (I
>>>>>>>>>>> sincerely wish that does not happen anytime) AFFCOM/WMF will remove 
>>>>>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>>>>>> affiliation? Read the WMF news article here:
>>>>>>>>>>>  Indian
>>>>>>>>>>> Wikipedian community is very very keen on expenditure, especially 
>>>>>>>>>>> wherever
>>>>>>>>>>> they feel that some wrong expenditure is made (not just by Indian
>>>>>>>>>>> organisation but even when WMF money is spent) They become very very
>>>>>>>>>>> concerned about it and become very vocal. Mail thread goes on for 
>>>>>>>>>>> months
>>>>>>>>>>> asking for justificaiton of such expenditure.(eg. check here:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hardly anyone from WMF/AFFCOM comment on it. Compared to that, when 
>>>>>>>>>>> India
>>>>>>>>>>> chapter is not spending any money and doing all zero budget 
>>>>>>>>>>> activities,
>>>>>>>>>>> what could be the problem with it for the community or AFFCOM or 
>>>>>>>>>>> WMF.
>>>>>>>>>>> Actually they should appriciate and should be happy about saving 
>>>>>>>>>>> lots of
>>>>>>>>>>> money and still doing activities. The closure of India chapter
>>>>>>>>>>> topic comes up again and again and some lengthy discussions happen 
>>>>>>>>>>> on it. I
>>>>>>>>>>> am referring to one such mail thread a few years back and 
>>>>>>>>>>> specificaly want
>>>>>>>>>>> WMF people to read my comment that time in a reply to Gerard 
>>>>>>>>>>> Meijssen.
>>>>>>>>>>> Please check it out here:
>>>>>>>>>>>  Now
>>>>>>>>>>> that AFFCOM is showing so much concern about the India activities, 
>>>>>>>>>>> it will
>>>>>>>>>>> be better if they can tell us (the stake holders in this- Indian
>>>>>>>>>>> Wikipedians, volunteers, current and past WMIN EC members and 
>>>>>>>>>>> general WMIN
>>>>>>>>>>> members) the comparision of performance of affiliates in India 
>>>>>>>>>>> namely WMIN
>>>>>>>>>>> and CIS-A2K. What is the expenditure on various activities, paid 
>>>>>>>>>>> staff etc
>>>>>>>>>>> etc. And give us a clear understanding of where the real objection 
>>>>>>>>>>> is. I
>>>>>>>>>>> suppose this should be with reference to the contract between WMF 
>>>>>>>>>>> and WMIN.
>>>>>>>>>>> I read the contract document again some time back and could hardly 
>>>>>>>>>>> see any
>>>>>>>>>>> possible serious violation of the contract that AFFCOM is referring 
>>>>>>>>>>> to.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>> -Sudhanwa
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 5:13 PM Anirudh S. Bhati <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> For now I am not going to get into other issues, but would like
>>>>>>>>>>>> to get clarification on the following:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 6:20 PM Chris Koerner <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wikimedia India was first recognized as a chapter in 2011. In
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015, it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> experienced difficulties meeting chapter agreement obligations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Working with the Affiliations Committee and the Foundation, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> chapter developed a plan of action and returned to good
>>>>>>>>>>>>> standing by
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2017. However, between 2017 and 2019
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *the chapter was unable to secure a license to act as a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fiduciary organization, and is not currently legally registered 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> as a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> charity in India to accept funding from the Foundation*. The
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Foundation and Affiliations Committee both hope that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this licensing and registration can be secured, and that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> chapter
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will again be eligible for recognition.
>>>>>>>>>>>> AFAIK, the Wikimedia Chapter (Wikimedia India) *is* registered
>>>>>>>>>>>> as a charitable society under the Karnataka Societies Registration 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Act.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore, it *is* a fiduciary organization acting in public 
>>>>>>>>>>>> interest.  I
>>>>>>>>>>>> would like to hear a clarification on your claims above.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Further, my understanding is that the Chapter has been unable
>>>>>>>>>>>> to renew/secure its permissions under the Foreign Contribution 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (Regulation)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Act, which prevents it from receiving funds from foreign sources, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> including
>>>>>>>>>>>> the Foundation.  This is not a situation unique to Wikimedia 
>>>>>>>>>>>> India, as more
>>>>>>>>>>>> than 20,000 NGOs nationally faced cancellations of their licenses 
>>>>>>>>>>>> last year
>>>>>>>>>>>> due to reasons that have largely to do with politics rather than 
>>>>>>>>>>>> compliance
>>>>>>>>>>>> related issues.
>>>>>>>>>>>> If the inability of Wikimedia india to secure these permissions
>>>>>>>>>>>> is one of the primary reasons for de-recognition, as a founding 
>>>>>>>>>>>> member of
>>>>>>>>>>>> Wikimedia India and as someone who is largely an external 
>>>>>>>>>>>> observer, it
>>>>>>>>>>>> appears to me that the Foundation is choosing to punish the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> chapter for not
>>>>>>>>>>>> having the political clout to retain its license.  For most of its
>>>>>>>>>>>> existence, the Wikimedia Chapter has been a volunteer-run body 
>>>>>>>>>>>> with limited
>>>>>>>>>>>> expertise in public policy.  Can you please clarify whether the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Foundation
>>>>>>>>>>>> has extended support to the Chapter in form of, for example, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> contracting a
>>>>>>>>>>>> government relations specialists to help renew/secure their FCRA 
>>>>>>>>>>>> license?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to hearing from you.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Anirudh
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