Hello everyone,

As a result of the first three weeks of the call for feedback on WMF
Community Board seats, three topics turned out to be the focus of the
discussion. Additionally, a new idea has been introduced by a community
member recently: Candidates resources. We would like to pursue these focus
topics and the new idea appropriately, discussing them in depth and
collecting new ideas and fresh approaches by running four panels in the
next week. Every panel includes four members from the movement covering
many regions, backgrounds and experiences, along with a trustee of the
Board. Every panel will last 45 minutes, followed by a 45-minute open mic
discussion, where everyone’s free to ask questions or to contribute to the
further development of the panel's topics.

Topics and Panels time are:

   - Skills for Board work
   - Friday, March 12, 23:30 IST (18:00 UTC)
   - Support for candidates
   - Saturday, March 13, 19:00 IST (13:30 UTC)
   - Board - Global Council - Hubs
   Saturday, March 13, 21:30 IST (16:00 UTC)
   - Regional diversity
   - Sunday, March 14, 18:30 IST (13:00 UTC)

To counter spamming, the meeting link will be updated on the
Meta-Wiki pages and also on the Telegram announcements channel
<https://t.me/wmboardgovernanceannounce>[5], 15 minutes before the official

Let me know if you have any questions.

Krishna Chaitanya

[5] https://t.me/wmboardgovernanceannounce
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