Hi, everyone.

I was wondering if you have at least one or two folks subscribed to the
chapters-only mailing list (chapt...@wikimedia.ch), where Harel Cain, this
year's program manager for the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin, has been
inviting chapters to start thinking about their representation in Berlin
this year.  He has asked me to make sure WMKE is aware of the invitation,
and I quote his e-mail for your consideration below.  Note that he sent it
to me expressly for the purpose of helping it reach all the chapters that
haven't responded yet -- neither I nor anyone else from the Foundation is
subscribed to the chapters-only mailing list, and this is deliberately so.

You may remember that last year, your delegates in Berlin were Abbas and

You can read all about the conference, and past years' conferences, here:




From: Harel Cain <harel.c...@wikimedia.de>
Date: Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 21:26
Subject: Re: [Chapters] **Reminder** Registration for Chapters Meeting
To: chapt...@wikimedia.ch

Dear all,

In the eleven days since I first sent out the e-mail below, quite a few
chapters have chosen their delegates to the Chapters Conference 2012 or at
least an interim contact person for the chapters has signed up in

However, we still haven't received any sign of life from the following
chapters, and our plans are for registration to end in less than two weeks'
time, by February 5th!
So may I please remind you all to speed up the choice of your
representatives to ChapConf12 - our time is running out. I would also like
to repeat that Wikimedia Deutschland, our kind host, will be covering the
flight and accommodation costs for chapters who cannot afford it themselves.

Please, if you're from one of these chapters - list yourself as an interim
contact person. If you know how to contact anyone from those chapters and
think they are not following the list - please forward this to them.

* Wikimedia Brazil (chapter-to-be, probably not on this list yet - can
someone forward this to any of their people?)
* Wikimedia Canada (are they on the list?)
* Wikimedia Deutschland
* Wikimedia DC (too busy with Wikimania?)
* Wikimedia Espana
* Wikimedia France
* Wikimedia Hong Kong
* Wikimedia Indonesia (Siska, you there?)
* Wikimedia Italia
* Wikimedia Kazakhstan (chapter-to-be, probably not on this list yet - can
someone forward this to any of their people?)
* Wikimedia Kenya (chapter-to-be, probably not on this list yet - can
someone forward this to any of their people?)
* Wikimedia Macedonia (Kiril, you there?)
* Wikimedia Macau (are they on the list?)
* Wikimedia Mexico
* Wikimedia Norge
* Wikimedia Polska
* Wikimedia Portugal
* Wikimedia Russia
* Wikimedia Serbia
* Wikimedia Taiwan
* Wikimedia Ukraine
* Wikimedia South Africa (apparently being added to the list as we speak)

Thank you everyone!

Harel Cain
Program manager for Chapters' Meeting 2012

    Asaf Bartov
    Wikimedia Foundation
WikimediaKE mailing list

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