I reckon Dennis's suggestion of a meet up is the best place to post out these 
things. Though There's a 97% chance I won't be there, my feeling is we should 
first establish who from the old group still want to give the project another 
go, then chase after new blood. On the name front I'm for staying as close to 
the old identity as possible if a name change becomes the way forward.
 On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 17:44 MSKS Limoke Oscar wrote:
 >Hi folks,
 >I am initiating efforts to recreate/re-start a Wikimedia User Group.
 >Questions I have for those interested to be part of the user group:
 > 1. Should we start a whole new group with different name, entity and
 > people from WMKE or build on the remains of WMKE?
 > 2. Should we focus on same goals and objectives as WMKE or should
 > we redefine our own based on our learnings and experiences with the Chapter?
 > 3. Name? What would be the prefered user group name?
 >Please add more discussion points and solutions so that we can get up and
 >running as soon as possible. Hopefully by the time we have a meetup, we
 >will have solidified some of this things and by the time Kul visits us, we
 >will be a formidable group once again.
 >Please provide input lest if no one provides input in time, I will go on
 >and file the user group details at my own *discretion. *
 >Look forward to more interesting discussions and insights on way forward.
 >See: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_User_Groups
 >*Limoke Oscar *
 >GIS, Google Apps & Business Development
 >Certfied Google Apps EDU Specialist
 >Pawa IT Solutions Limited

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